Frequently Asked Questions

Please scroll down to see all the questions and answers

Travel Tips & Workarounds
General Questions
Training and Communications
Umoja Log-On Questions
Key Changes by Functional Area
Central Support Services
Real Estate
Project Management
Supply Chain
HR Tools
UNDP Advance
UNDP Financial Authorizations



The ESS/MSS Focal Point in your office/department is the first person to go to for any assistance in using the ESS/MSS tools in Umoja.  ESS/MSS Focal Point provide first tier support to staff on ESS/MSS issues, prior to approaching HR partners to resolve such issues. 

For UNHQ staff, please refer to the list of ESS/MSS Focal Points by Department in iSeek.  

For staff in the field please refer to the ESS/MSS Focal Point List under the Field Support Page.


A Time Administrator is a staff member given the role to enter/edit Time requests on behalf of another staff member in their respective office, view absence balances of a staff member, and view the Team Calendar. This role to enter on behalf is intended to be used on an exceptional basis and not as a routine practice, except for ASG level and above.

A Senior Time Administrator is a staff member given the role to enter/edit Time requests on behalf of another staff member in their respective office, view absence balances of a staff member, and view the Team Calendar. A Senior Time Administrator is also provided limited access to ECC portal to make changes in time management data in the backend of the system to handle more complex working schedules such as shifts and night differentials (e.g. security, drivers, conference services, etc.), as well as make changes to time management data converted prior to Umoja Go Live (1 November 2015).  

A Primary Time Manager is a staff member given the role as a manager to review and approve time management requests of their team members. A time manager can overview team members' calendar, quotas/balances and status of leave requests. Time managers are mapped to their team members through their organizational units.

A Time Manager can also designate a Secondary time Manager(s) through the ESS/MSS Home page under User Map portal. 

A Secondary Time Manager is a staff member assigned by a Primary Time Manager to perform the same functions as a Primary Time Manager limited to the designated period of time.

An Exceptional Time Manager is a staff member designated by an HR Partner to perform the same functions as a Primary Time Manager for a specific staff member on loan or assignment placed in a different office/duty station for a specific period of time without the actual movement in the organizational unit structure.

An HR Partner is a staff member given the role to review and approve ESS/MSS requests submitted through the ESS/MSS portal and that require HR review and approval; e.g. changes in Personal Data such as marital status and nationality, Entitlement Requests such as adding/editing dependants, and Time Management requests such as certified sick leave, extended leave, etc. In the absence of a senior Time Administrator, HR Partners also make changes to data converted prior to Umoja Go Live (1 November 2015), and/or outside the approved time frames e.g. requesting an uncertified sick leave dating one month beyond the entry date. Please refer to the link provided for the list of HR Partners.  

At UNHQ, the list of HR Partners by Department is available on iSeek. Please refer to the link provided for HR Partners

An HR Administrator can perform actions on behalf of the SM on the portal, but cannot approve requests.

For time management entries/balances, you need to contact your senior time administrator, if assigned one, otherwise, you need to go to your HR partner.  For all other entries (nationality, marital status, dependents, rental subsidy, etc.) you need to go to your HR partner.

All staff members should have access to ESS/MSS.  Access for new staff is part of the on-boarding process. If for some reason you do not have access, you need to fill out an Umoja User Registration Form (for ESS users), and obtain HR partner signature, who will in turn forward to the Security Liaison Officer (SLO). The SLO will submit to Unite Service Desk at for non-field offices, and to Local Service Desk for PK and SP Missions. Upon review and verification of signatures, the access will be added to your profile. Click HERE for more information.

Roles in Umoja are assigned based on staff members' functional roles.  First refer to your respective office/supervisor if you need to add a role.  To proceed to add a role, you need to fill out an Umoja User Registration Form (for transactional users) and obtain the appropriate signatures: User, Section Chief, Security Liaison Officer (SLO), and Functional Approver. The SLO will submit the completed form to Unite Service Desk at for non-field offices, and to Local Service Desk for PK and SP Missions. Upon review and verification of signatures, the role will be added to your profile. Click HERE for more information.

Each month certain functions under the Self-Service portal are locked for a couple of days to enable payroll processing. While the payroll lock is in effect, some ESS/MSS functions have limited availability to prevent changes from negatively affecting the payroll process.  Likewise, HR Partners are not able to take certain actions during payroll lock for staff members in the ERP Central Component  (ECC) system.


Please note that payroll lock occurs monthly and the dates when ESS/MSS have limited functionality are communicated via email broadcast to staff at UNHQ, Peacekeeping Missions, and Office Away From Headquarters.  Users regain full ESS/MSS access as soon as the monthly payroll process has been completed. For more information on ESS/MSS functionalities that are available during payroll lock click HERE
Important to Note! Effective June 2019, staff and managers can take leave-related actions in Umoja Self-Service at any time for all absence and attendance types. While leaves can be requested and approved during the payroll lock, balances will be updated after the payroll lock period. For maternity leave, there is no change. During payroll lock, staff and managers can continue to request and approve maternity leaves that will be taken after the current payroll month.




For staff at UNHQ, Peacekeeping Missions, and Office Away From Headquarters, monthly payroll lock announcements are shared via email broadcasts. The announcements are also posted on the Umoja page on iSeek.  

You may record a new UN official email address after it is provided to you by the organisation.  Click on 'update/create' link next to the field and follow the steps.

You may request changes to your marital status by following the steps in the 'update/create' link next to the field.  While you have to attached supporting documents (e.g. marriage certificate) in Umoja, you still need to present the original official document to the HR partner to certify the copy and place in your official status file.

You may request changes to your present nationality and/or nationality at birth, only if different from UN official nationality, by following the steps in the 'update/create' link next to the nationality field. While you have to attached supporting documentation (e.g. passport) in Umoja, you still need to present the original to the HR partner to certify the copy and place in your file.

You can make changes to an existing address except for the country (e.g. city, street, house number, zip code). For a change in country you need to create a new address.

You can not delete an existing address as the system keeps track of the history of staff members' addresses.  However, when you input a new address of the same type, e.g. a new mailing address, the system will automatically delimit the "valid until" date of the previous mailing address to one day prior to the start date of the newly created mailing address. Dates of addresses of the same type cannot overlap. 

If an address has erroneously been included under your list of addresses, you need to contact the HR partner to delete the unknown address.

Prior to the launch of Umoja, any staff members joining the organization were asked to complete a beneficiary designation form as part of the on boarding process. The form was signed in front of a witness (usually HR staff) and placed in the official status file. This information was not converted into Umoja as it is only available in hardcopy form, but the beneficiary information is still relevant.

You can update your beneficiary information in Umoja by re-entering your beneficiary information. Access  'beneficiary details' under 'personal information' and enter the new beneficiary details and percent shares (making sure they total 100%).  Once entered, you should print out the form and sign in the presence of an HR partner as a witness, and the HR partner will counter-sign.

The HR Partner will only approve a new beneficiary form upon the counter-signed hardcopy that will be kept in your official status file. 

Also note that the Umoja beneficiary form is only for entitlements that are due to you from the organization and does not include your pension benefits.  To update the UN Pension Fund (UNJSPF) beneficiary information, please visit the UNJSPF website and complete the respective beneficiary form.

Once your beneficiary request is submitted and in process, you will not be able to make further changes until this workflow is completed.

Changes to bank details are done through the cashier’s office/treasury on the 20th Fl of the Secretariat building. You should go to the Cashier’s office with new bank details to submit the request for change - Form F48 (9-12).

For new staff, submission of bank details are part of the on boarding process through the HR partner.

There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to change/update your personal information:

  1. Umoja ESS/MSS lock due to payroll processing. Each month certain functions under the Self-Service portal will be locked for a few days to enable payroll processing. While the payroll lock is in effect, some ESS/MSS functions will have limited availability to prevent changes from negatively affecting the payroll process.  Likewise, HR Partners will not be able to take certain actions in the ERP Central Component (ECC) system. Once the payroll lock is lifted, changes can be processed. Please refer to the Monthly Payroll Lock document for more information.
  2. The request may still be in process with the HR partner. Please wait/ or contact the HR partner to process the request so it may be released for further editing.
  3. Technical reasons for which you need to raise an iNeed Self-Service ticket.

You can submit a request to add/modify a dependent by accessing any of the three portals in ESS: Personal Information, Entitlements, and Life and Work Events. To add a dependent, select one of the dependent types provided, e.g. spouse, child, step-child, sibling etc. and proceed with populating the information. You can edit information by clicking on pencil icon next to the dependent's name and making necessary changes, certify, and submit.  Once submitted the request will appear under requests in the "process area" awaiting HR partner review and approval.

You cannot make changes to a request pending HR review and approval. However, you may withdraw a pending request by selecting the dependent under requests in "process area" and clicking on the trash icon, then clicking on yes to confirm deletion. The dependent is removed from the request queue. Then you may submit a new request with the correct information.

When the children are between 18 and 21 years of age. Attach certificate for full time school attendance.

You need to add supporting documents as attachments to the request whenever necessary (e.g.  marriage certificate for a new spouse, birth certificate for a new-born).  You also need to present official documents to your HR partner to certify the copies and add to your official status file.  As a staff member you need to keep the originals for a period of 5 years.

You cannot edit or delete an existing rental subsidy, except for expiration date. A new rental subsidy request needs to be created to reflect the needed changes

Dates cannot overlap in rental subsidy requests (not even by one day); the system will trigger a hard stop. You need to make sure end and start dates of two consecutive rental subsidies do not overlap, and curtail previous rental subsidy expiration dates, if needed, to proceed with the new rental subsidy request.

You need to curtail the end date of the existing rental subsidy request and create a new request reflecting the change(s) (e.g. the new rent amount). The start date of the new request will be one day after the end date of the previous request.

If you are receiving one month DSA upon assignment/reassignment, the rental subsidy start date should be one month after your start date.

An entry for a duty station in Umoja is a prerequisite to starting a rental subsidy request.  First, you enter your duty station address under Personal Information portal > addresses; then go to the Entitlements Portal to enter the rental subsidy request. 

Yes, but broker fees apply once during your assignment in the same duty station.

You can view and print your salary statements (as early as 1 Nov 2015) through Benefits and Payments portal > payment > display salary statement.

You can always view and print your confirmation form for health and dental insurance plans through Benefits and Payments portal > Benefits > Participation Overview or Confirmation form. You can only make changes to your plan on specific events, as listed below, that will trigger a new link to appear under the Benefits portal for a period of one month.

1) Annual campaign: A link is triggered under Benefits portal for the month of June to give you the opportunity to make changes to your selected health and dental insurance plans. 

2) Work event: Upon new hire or reassignment, a one month link is triggered from the date of hire or reassignment to select/change your health and dental plans. If the link is missing, please contact your HR partner.

3) Life event: Upon change in life event (marriage, new born, adoption, divorce, etc.) a one month link is triggered from the date of life event to add/remove dependents from your health and dental plans. If the link is missing, please contact your HR partner.

First add your new-born as a dependent through any of the following three portals: the Life and Work events portal, Entitlements, Personal Information. Remember to attach all supporting documentation.  The request will go through the workflow to the HR partner for review and approval. 

Once HR reviews and approves dependency and a personnel action is processed in Umoja, a new link will be triggered under the Benefits portal.  Click on the link and follow the steps to add your new-born to your insurance plans. Make sure to complete the process within 30 days.

First add your spouse as a dependent through any of the following three portals: the Life and Work events portal, Entitlements, Personal Information. Remember to attach all supporting documentation.  The request will go through the workflow to the HR partner for review and approval. 

Once HR reviews and approves the request and a personnel action is processed in Umoja, a new link will be triggered under the Benefits portal.  Click on the link and follow the steps to add your spouse to your insurance plans. Make sure to complete the process within 30 days. If the link is missing, please contact your HR partner. 

Once HR completes the on boarding process, a link will be triggered under the Benefits portal.  Click on the link and follow the steps to select health and dental insurance plans.  You have the option to waive one of the plans, if not needed.  Make sure to complete the selection process within 30 days.  If the link is missing, please contact your HR partner.

Make sure to first add your family members as dependents through any of the following three portals: the Life and Work events portal, Entitlements, Personal Information. Remember to attach all supporting documentation.  The request will go through the workflow to the HR partner for review and approval.

You should contact the HR partner to explain the reasons for missing the 30 day window.  The HR partner can trigger the link for an extended period of time so that you can select your insurance plans.

You can enrol in Life Insurance in ESS only upon initial appointment with a contract duration of 6 months or longer. However, you are still required to submit the Life Insurance application in paper form.

Upon completion of on boarding a new link titled "Appointment Life" is triggered for a period of 60 days under Benefits and Payments portal > Benefits > Appointment Life.  To enrol, please click on the Appointment Life link and follow the steps per screens shown.

You can view a list of all personnel actions through Umoja; however, you can only view details and print the personnel actions that were processed through Umoja post Go Live (1 November 2015). To view, go to the Life and Work Events portal > work events > personnel actions.  Contact HR partners for details/copies of Personnel Actions processed prior to 1 Nov 2015. 

You can edit or delete your leave request from the leave overview link. Select the leave request and click on the pencil icon to edit, or trash icon to delete.

Please note that you cannot change the type of leave request e.g. Annual leave to uncertified sick leave. The initial request needs to be deleted (annual leave)  and a new request needs to be created with the different type of leave (uncertified sick leave).

Yes, you can edit/delete an approved leave request. Please note that editing/deleting an approved leave request will re-start the workflow and re-submit for approval.

Time frames for entering and or editing retroactive and forward leave requests vary depending on the type of leave. Please take a look at this table for the most commonly used leave requests. Kindly note that if you submit a future dated leave request prior to the configuration of the holiday calendar for that year, Umoja will re-evaluate your leave days once the holiday calendar configuration is complete. 

Both choices will send the request through the same workflow, the only difference is what screen you will see next. 

Your Time manager approves your annual leave.

Your Time manager approves your CTO and Overtime.  Please make sure that  CTO and Overtime hours recorded in Umoja were  previously approved through your office's established offline procedures. 

Your Time manager approves your Uncertified Sick Leave (USL). 

The HR partner approves consecutive or non-consecutive CSL up to 20 days within a one year leave cycle (1 Apr 2015 to 31 Mar 2016), with a medical note without diagnosis from a certified doctor.

Medical Service approves consecutive or non-consecutive CSL beyond 20 days within a one year leave cycle  (1 Apr 2015 to 31 Mar 2016), with a medical note with diagnosis from a certified doctor.

1. Overtime is recorded for hours worked in excess of the scheduled workday or in excess of the scheduled workweek or time worked on official holidays, applying the following accrual rates:

  • 1.0 accrual rate - for work done in excess of the scheduled work day on any working day of the scheduled work week for the time corresponding to the difference between the scheduled work day and eight hours of work on that day;
  • 1.5 accrual rate - for work in excess of eight hours on any working day and for work on the sixth day of the scheduled work week;
  • 2.0 accrual rate - for work done on Sunday or the seventh day of the regular work schedule, and on an official holiday

2. Subject to the exigencies of service, overtime shall normally be compensated as compensatory time off corresponding to the number of credited hours, to be taken at any time during the four months following the month in which the overtime work has been performed.

For recording compressed work schedule:
1-  A hard copy of the signed agreement should be in place offline, signed by SM, Manager and EO/HR.
2-  You will enter one hour 'compressed attendance' for every compressed day worked  - total of 9 days.
3-  You will enter a 'compressed regular day off' for the 10th day out of office.

Starting April 2016, on the 25th of every month, Umoja will issue staff members’ Monthly Time Statement for their review and certification.  Each Monthly Time Statement will reflect the following:
• All Absence/Attendance requests that have been approved for the previous month;
• Leave balances as of the last day of the previous month;
• All leave requests that are pending approval for the Monthly Time Statement period.
You are advised to review and certify your Monthly Time Statement the soonest.

On 29 April of each year, Umoja will issue staff members’ Annual Time Statement for their review and certification. The Annual Time Statement reflects all Absences that have been approved for the leave cycle 1 April to 31 March as well as leave balances as of 31 March.  You are advised to review and certify your Annual Time Statement the soonest.

Scroll to the bottom of the Umoja active screen (and not the PDF copy of the monthly time statement) until you see the certification box. Check and save to complete certification.

You need to contact your Senior Time Administrator or HR partner to make any changes in balances prior to Umoja Go-Live,  1 Nov 2015. You should provide documentation to support the changes requested.

You are advised to follow up on adjusting your leave balances in a timely manner to ensure certification of monthly time statements.
In order for the time statements to accurately reflect your leave taken during the previous month/cycle, it is critical for you to submit your leave requests on a timely basis and for the Time Managers to approve those requests before the 25 of every month for the monthly Time Statement.  In brief:
Staff members need to ensure that all leave requests they can submit on their own in ESS are entered in a timely manner, and follow up with  Senior Time Administrators or HR partners on leave request entries that require their assistance;
Managers need to ensure that all Absences/Attendances routed for action for their staff be duly approved/rejected as necessary in ESS before the 25 of every month

Yes. The system will always bring you back to the first uncertified monthly statement before allowing you to certify the next month's statement.

Please note that corrections will not be reflected on the PDF version of the monthly time statement; however, you can verify that balances have been corrected by checking your actual current balances before you proceed to certify. 

You record attendance for:
CTO accrual
Stand-by/on call
Attendance Compressed
Official Business
When Actually Employed (WAE)

As a first step, initiate your paternity leave offline by submitting a medical note certifying child''s expected delivery date or child''s birth certificate to your HR partner.  Following review, HR partner establishes a 20 day quota for paternity leave.

Once quota is established by HR partner, you may submit request for paternity leave through Umoja in the Time and Management Portal > Create Leave Request. Your Time manager will approve the Paternity Leave request.

You can find your organizational details under Home > User Map portal.

You can find your approvers (Time, HR, Travel, etc.) under Home > User Map portal.

You need to contact the Umoja Organisational Management Focal Point in your respective office to liaise with the Umoja team to update the mapping to reflect the right Time Manager.

You go to the Home > Work centre portal and select "time pending items" to review and approve requests. Please note, that you can only approve one request at a time.

Go to Home > User Map portal, select Secondary Time Manager (STM), and click on create.  Three fields need to be populated: time frame delegating the STM, organizational unit, and name of the STM. 

You need to contact the Umoja Organisational Management Focal Point in your respective office to liaise with Umoja team to update the mapping according to the proper organisational units. 

If there is no lower structure of an organisational unit to map those supervisors as time approvers, one way to get around it is to assign those supervisors as secondary time managers.  Please note that both you and the supervisors will continue to receive all staff member requests in your Division, however, you reach an internal agreement where each supervisor selects and approves the requests of their direct-report.

General Questions

The Umoja Team is currently implementing a full-scale Communications and Engagement campaign to prepare staff for the changes being brought by Umoja. Updates and important documents and resources are being shared with staff via the Umoja Website, social media such as Facebook and Twitter. If you haven’t already, you can access key documents at the following links:

Additionally, the Communications team creates a monthly newsletter (available on the Umoja Newsroom blog) in addition to topical iSeek articles to keep Umoja stakeholders updated with the latest information and project news. 

Finally, if you have been identified as an Umoja end user, you will begin to receive communications, staff messaging, and targeted communications around training and deployment during the 2 months before implementation.


Umoja is an administrative reform initiative for the United Nations Secretariat that includes a thorough streamlining of UN business processes. At its core, it is an implementation of SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software.

Umoja will provide a simplified and real-time approach to the Organization’s management of finances, resources and assets. By 2016, the United Nations Secretariat will have transitioned to Umoja as its central administrative tool, leaving behind multiple and fragmented legacy systems such as IMIS, Mercury, Sun, and many others.

Umoja is not an acronym. Its name means “unity” in Swahili, and, appropriately, the solution represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity for the United Nations to: upgrade its technology, tools and practices to those appropriate for the 21st century; comply or exceed international industry standards such as IPSAS; streamline fragmented administrative processes, to allow Managers and Staff to focus on important work rather than red-tape; and, finally, unify multiple IT and computer systems and platforms to avoid delays, waste,  and frustration.

The user will not be able to find a Shopping Cart in the work overview and Advanced Search if he is logged into Umoja as buyer. Buyer will be able to see shopping cart line items once the Shopping Cart is approved in the Sourcing Cockpit.

One of the most transformative benefits which Umoja will provide to the UN is the ability to conduct complex and real-time analyses of critical data, a practice known as Business Intelligence. The Umoja Business Intelligence module is a robust reporting and data visualization platform which allows UN Staff and Managers to search, view and analyze a variety of metrics, reports, and key performance indicators, enabling them to improve the efficiency and results of their work, as well as to support strategic planning and decision-making. By aggregating key operational data for automated reporting across functional areas within the organization, Umoja frees up time for these higher value-added activities that would have been otherwise spent on paper-based clerical tasks.

For more information on Umoja Business Intelligence, read this blog post and visit our Business Intelligence subcommunity on Unite Connections HERE.


For an example of how Umoja will change the way the UN works, view the Umoja Journey of Goods and review the talking points.

Umoja will change the way we do a wide variety of activities, from ordering materials and tracking inventory to performing all of our financial activities and managing projects. It will also impact the way we manage our assets, our people-related activities and various other processes.

Umoja will:

Renew the way the UN manages human, financial and material resources, bringing the organization up to accepted common standards

Enhance decision-making by linking programmes and operations with the allocated resources

Reduce the average time required for administrative processes, by streamlining, integrating and automating business processes

Increase efficiency by reducing the amount of staff time spent on manual processes while enhancing accountability on internal controls

Enable the implementation of IPSAS by the Secretariat

As processes are simplified and streamlined throughout this initiative, roles within the organization will change. The manner in which each staff member will be affected will vary based on their role and position. The most important thing to keep in mind is that Umoja will reduce the amount of time staff members spend on paperwork and manual administration. Umoja will enable us to work together more effectively on behalf of our constituents and beneficiaries.

Organizational alignment activities are underway to examine detailed change impacts including changes to roles. We will provide you with detailed information as the new roles and processes are finalized.

UN staff will not just be learning a new system, but more effective and efficient ways to work. Staff members will be freed from repetitive and redundant tasks, enabling them to devote their energies to providing value-added services. In addition, staff will be able to update personal information, complete benefits enrollment, view leave balances, submit travel requests and expenses, and check payments – all online.

The Umoja solution will:

  • Provide all Secretariat offices with an integrated transactional system.

  • Replace or integrate numerous existing legacy systems such as IMIS, Mercury and Sun.

  • Reduce time and resources spent on manual, paper-based processes.

  • Increase time and resources directed toward programmes that make a difference in the lives of UN beneficiaries.

  • Equip UN staff with modern technology and enhanced skills.

Umoja’s phased approach enables the UN to mitigate delay, absorb change at a tolerable rate, and address some of the risks associated with deploying a comprehensive solution in a global organization.

Umoja will enhance accountability, transparency and internal controls for all types of resources. It will help improve decision making and planning capabilities by providing up-to-date and accurate reports and data. Additionally, Umoja will enable managers to exert tighter financial planning and controls and ensure compliance with public sector standards such as IPSAS.

The Umoja solution represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity for the United Nations to:

  • Upgrade its technology, tools and practices to those appropriate for the 21st century
  • Comply or exceed international industry standards (e.g. IPSAS)
  • Streamline fragmented administrative processes, to allow Managers and Staff to focus on value-added work rather than red-tape;
  • Unify multiple IT and computer systems and platforms to avoid delays, waste and frustration.

Please check the Umoja website for the latest information on deployment timelines. See when your entity will deploy Umoja by viewing the interactive Umoja deployment timeline.

Click to review the Umoja Deployment Timeline.  

International Public Sector Accounting Standards (“IPSAS”) is an internationally accepted accounting protocol that the UN Organization will fully comply with by 2014, following the recommendation of the General Assembly in 2006.

Compliance with IPSAS will ensure that UN accounting practices are aligned with industry best practices, enabling enhanced financial transparency and accountability, improved decision making resulting from more detailed financial information, improved consistency and comparability of financial statements across offices and duty stations and full and easy access to more comprehensive information on costs and expenses.

The UN has gradually moved from its own set of accounting standards (UNSAS) towards the adoption of the new internationally accepted standard in order to make its financial and reporting system more effective and transparent.

To read about IPSAS standards and learn how and why the UN is complying with IPSAS, please visit (UN network only).

The Umoja solution and IPSAS go hand in hand. Using SAP as the new Enterprise Resource Planning software across the UN Secretariat will further ensure that the UN complies with IPSAS standards in all its financial transactions once Umoja has been deployed.

The Umoja team is working closely with the IPSAS implementation team within the UN Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts (OPPBA) in all of its preparatory activities for deployment of the Umoja solution.

Enterprise Resource Planning (“ERP”) is a system that provides an integrated suite of information technology applications that support activities such as finance and budget management, human resources management, supply chain management, central support services, and other core functions. ERPs allow for the streamlining of operations in an organization through process re-engineering, sharing of common data, and implementation of best practices and standards.

SAP is the name of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software at the core of the Umoja solution. Umoja will be using multiple types of SAP Software. Our core processing systems are based on SAP ECC 6.0 and SAP Netweaver 7.3.

SAP will provide a financially integrated and robust centralized system which will allow the UN to better manage its resources, assets and finances.

Additionally, beginning in 2014, Umoja Extension 1 began rolling-out the Employee Self-Service (ESS) and Management Self-Service (MSS) components of SAP, otherwise known as "self-service portal" for UN Staff to manage Personnel and Travel Entitlement requests with less paperwork and delays. 

Umoja Website

Keep checking in here on the website for up-to-date information on the progress of the project, training materials, and other important resources such as the User Quick Guide, the Umoja Journey of Goods, and the Deployment Timeline.


Visit Umoja’s Facebook page at at Click “Like” in order to receive the latest updates from Umoja and photos from our activities in the field.


Follow Umoja on Twitter at for the latest project news and information.

On a project of this magnitude, strong governance is essential in order to steer the project, monitor progress, resolve conflicts without delay, decide on priorities, help manage change and communicate progress to all stakeholders. The main policy decision-making body is the Umoja Steering Committee, which reports to the Management Committee.

The detailed planning and execution of the project is being done by the Umoja team led by Assistant Secretary-General, Chandramouli Ramanathan, who serves as Project Director and reports to the Under-Secretary-General for Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance. The Project Director is ultimately accountable for the execution of the project in collaboration with the Assistant Secretaries-General, responsible for the four main functional areas: human resources, finance and budget, supply chain, and central support services.

The Umoja project team includes experts on change management, process management, administration management, and technology management, as well as experts in each of the functional areas. These Subject Matter Experts came to the Umoja team from various departments and offices within the UN in order to ensure that the solution meets the needs of the UN.

Training and Communication

A triaged support structure will be set up as part of the Umoja deployment. The support structure will include local office support, process experts in each functional area (Finance, Procurement, Supply Chain/Logistics, HR, Project Management, Sales, and Real Estate) and technical support.

As time goes on, on-going training support and end-user training will be provided as and when required. Training content and learning materials will continue to be enhanced and developed, and the training approach and delivery will be enhanced on an ongoing basis, aided by feedback and evaluations. 


If you have been identified as an Umoja user, you must access Computer Based Training and/or course assessments via inspira in order to be certified.

You can access Level 1 (Overview) and Level 2 (Navigation) Computer Based Training courses for Umoja Foundation in the Training section of this website.

Umoja training delivery is aligned with the deployment of Umoja and uses the Train-the-Trainer approach in order to build local capacity for Umoja ongoing training and support.

  • Designated process experts will be trained by the Umoja Project Team and, in turn, these process experts/trainers will train end users and will be the ‘go-to’ persons in their respective business areas. 

  • On-site end user training will be scheduled six weeks prior to each Go-Live date. 

  • A key element of Umoja end user training is that it is role-based. Each role has a specific curriculum to follow and end users will participate in courses based on their Enterprise Role

All Staff

All UN Staff can review general Umoja training materials in the Training section of this website.

End Users

Training of Staff identified as Umoja end users will take place approximately 4-6 weeks before deployment at each location. End users (Staff Members who have been mapped to an official Enterprise Role in Umoja) will receive information on their roles, course requirements and course schedule ahead of time.

As with all staff, Umoja end users can view general Umoja training materials in the Training section of this website. However, in order to be certified in Umoja, Staff who have been identified as end users will need to attend training through inspira and through Instructor Led Training on-site.

Staff Members with specific Enterprise Roles in Umoja will need to complete all required courses in order to become certified users of Umoja.

A ‘blended learning’ approach is used to deliver training. To accommodate different learning requirements and facilitate knowledge transfer, the Umoja training programme integrates:

  1. Computer-Based Training (All UN Staff)

  2. Instructor-Led Courses (Umoja end users only)

  3. Simulation Learning (Umoja end users only)

  4. Job Aids (Umoja end users only)

  5. Hands-on Practice Sessions (Umoja end users only)

For Umoja Foundation, Computer Based Training consists of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 courses:

  • Level 1 courses are introduction/overviews of how different functional areas work in Umoja.

  • Level 2 courses are navigation courses that guide users through the fundamentals of getting around the Umoja system.

  • Level 3 courses are advanced, transactional-level and intended to be studied in an instructor-led environment. The courses also contain links to simulations which can only be viewed while browsing on the UN network.

Level 1 and 2 courses are prerequisites for the advanced Level 3 courses. All UN Staff can view Level 1 and Level 2 courses (for Foundation only) in the Training section of this website. However, Umoja end users must complete course assessments for Level 1 and 2 courses via inspira in order to be certified and complete their prerequisite requirements for Level 3 courses.

Level 3 courses are available to Staff identified as Umoja end users. Staff Members with specific Enterprise Roles in Umoja will receive instructions on course requirements and their Instructor Led Training schedule approximately 4-6 weeks prior to deployment in their location.

An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system provides an efficient means for transferring and sharing information across many different functions across a business, rather than having to maintain parallel versions of that information in multiple unique systems. This allows the organization to reduce redundant effort and eliminate conflicting information concerning vendors, clients, resources, employees, and other critical data used to make decisions and complete transactions.

In order for such a system to be truly effective, our organization will first have to fundamentally change and modernize how day-to-day work is carried out, by streamlining and simplifying processes.

Umoja Log-On Questions

If you are still unable to find an answer or resolution to your issue, please open a service ticket with your local Help Desk. View the User Quick Guide for helpdesk procedures and contact information.

If you are still unable to find an answer or resolution to your issue, please open a service ticket with your local Help Desk. View the User Quick Guide for helpdesk procedures and contact information.

Your Unite Identity credentials allow you to log in to the Umoja Dashboard at https//

From the Umoja Dashboard, you can access Training Practice Systems as well as Umoja Production Systems using separate credentials as outlined below:If you are an Umoja end-user assigned to classroom training, you have received a generic User ID and password to access Training Practice Systems from the Umoja Dashboard.A separate User ID and temporary password, different than your Unite Identity credentials, will be provided to you to log in to Umoja Production Systems from the Umoja Dashboard.


Unite Identity is a unique ID number that allows OICT to map users to Umoja. It is more unique, sophisticated and secure than your staff index number or email address. Receiving your Unite Identity credentials and activating them to log in to the Umoja Dashboard is the first step to accessing Umoja Production Systems.

If you have been identified as an Umoja end-user, you should have received an activation email from providing their Unite Identity ID and a temporary password. 

To activate your Unite Identity account, visit or email to inquire about your Unite Identity status.

Your Unite Identity temporary password must be changed and security questions set up in case of forgotten password at

For step-by-step instructions on activating Unite Identity, please see the Umoja User Quick Guide.

Please note: You cannot request Unite Identity activation for yourself by emailing Please see below on what to do if you have not received an Unite Identity activation email.

 View the User Quick Guide on the Umoja website for step by step instructions on logging in to Umoja via the Umoja Dashboard. Logging on to the Umoja Dashboard requires Unite Identity activation.

Key Changes by Functional Area

  • UN staff data will be stored centrally and shared across the organization.

  • Transfer of staff across duty stations will be seamless.

  • Managers will have access to up-to-date staffing information and organizational structures

The Employee Self-Service (ESS) portal will allow staff to:

  • View and update to their HR profile.

  • Initiate and track requests for benefits & entitlements.

  • Make travel requests directly and submit claims electronically

  • Compliance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), a modern standard of accounting.

  • Automation of financial processes with better controls: the system automatically checks for sufficiency of funds before a requisition can be made, payment process is initiated when a good is received in the system, payment of invoices requires entry of receipt and automated “3-way matching” of Goods Receipt, Invoice and Purchase Order Bank accounts, funds, assets, and other key data centrally stored and shared across the entire Organization Managers will have direct access to real-time financial information and other programme/project data and reports.

  • The UN will have one set of data for vendors, materials, and services centrally stored and shared across the Organization.

  •  Better integration with Finance. 

  • Automated requisitioning and procurement procedures: Requisitioners can search from a central catalogue that lists all goods and services available to them from current contracts, purchase orders are automatically created using information from the requisition (for catalogue requisitions), tracking of the end-to-end Procurement process in the system.

  • One Procurement system enables advanced reporting from a single source.

  • Low Value Acquisition (LVA) process will no longer be paper-based.

  • Business processes: moving away from working practices which vary by location to a single way of delivering administrative services using a single source of data, with improvements gained in speed and efficiency.

  • Faster, simpler processing of administrative transactions with more employee self-service features.

  • Staff satisfaction: moving towards more coherence and increased consistency across the Organization, and away from time spent on routine administrative tasks.

A. Umoja will free staff members from many routine clerical and administrative processes, enabling them to focus their time on strategic and substantive activities that will enable the Organization to better deliver on its mandates in the long-term. 

  • Technology management: consolidating major bespoke systems that are costly to maintain and cannot easily interact to a global solution which uses industry-leading technology to improve decision-making (legacy systems to be replaced over time include IMIS, SUN, Mercury, Procure+ and eventually Galileo)

  • Given that administrative processes will be standardized across Secretariat locations, staff who transfer to new duty stations will require less time to learn the local way of doing business

  • Umoja will provide opportunities for UN staff to improve their skillsets by preparing them to be proficient in the latest technologies.

Umoja will most directly affect staff working in Finance, Procurement, HR, Logistics and other support services.


These items will not be capitalized unless they are procured against materials with an indicative value that exceeds the capitalization threshold. They can be operationally tracked in plant maintenance as equipment master records.

Yes. When the nature of the expense is Official Travel, then there is no choice besides making the budget available to the Official Travel class. Please note that there is a User Aid on iSeek for FMBB.

In Umoja, we have equipment masters to track tangible items whether or not they are capitalised as assets or inventory or already expensed. Equipment masters is functionality provided by the Plant Maintenance module. As the name indicates, this module is used for operations purposes as opposed to accounting purposes. There is no value or $ amount on an equipment master. Equipment masters typically store information about maintenance schedule, exact location of the item (e.g. room 4245), the custodian name, condition (in use, idle, damaged, etc).

For those items that have serial numbers, the serial number is attached to the equipment master. When the item is capitalised as Asset, we will have a link between the equipment master and the asset master. The value is only maintained on the asset master though.


Umoja will operationally track all items that we need to track as equipment master records, irrespective of value. Items procured against materials that have an indicative value above the capitalization threshold (either $5,000 or $20,000 depending on nature and financial volume) will be capitalized and financially tracked through a fixed asset master record and on the balance sheet. 

The Umoja Funds Commitment is certified by the Travel Unit's Certifying Officer, then it is approved by a Finance Approving Officer

Umoja Foundation includes financial reporting functionality such as a Trial Balance and various flexible and detailed reports for Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and General Ledger analysis.

Please direct inquiries about budget reporting to the Finance LPEs (Local Process Experts) who will address the request.

Commitment is needed. Additionally there is a User Aid/Cheat Sheet on iSeek for FM Documents showing that for travel, no Pre-Commitment is needed. T-Code FMZ1 is used to create the Commitment and the Doc Type is 45.

There is no need to create a Pre-Commitment. Travel funds may be committed directly with FMZ1 (doc type 45).

Facilities Management:

  • Real estate, assets, and other Master Data will be centrally stored and shared across the entire Organization.

  • Maintenance of leases will now occur in the system.

  • Robust, organization-wide automated reporting will enable forecasting and space planning

Services to the Public and Staff:

  • Vendors and customers will receive detailed and consolidated billing statements (as opposed to multiple).

  • Third-party procurement will be done within Umoja.

  • Grants and Trust Fund management directly integrated with billing process so invoices related to the grant are automatically generated.

Central Support Services

Yes; the customer would be whomever the property is sold to/wins the auction. 

These would be IOVs, not Sales Orders.

Real Estate

Accommodations can either be provided by the UN or by the TCCs. Where it is provided by the TCCs, it is considered contingent owned buildings and where it is provided by the UN, it is considered UN owned buildings. At the time of repatriation, the TCCs often decide on what to do with its premises. It can donate or sell it to either the UN, another TCC or even to the host community. Recognition of these assets as either donated or acquired by the UN will depend on the decision of the TCC to hand over these assets to the UN either through donation or sales. If it is transferred to another TCC or the host community, it becomes the premises of the recipient TCC or the host community and will not trigger any recognition by the UN. 

 Re: costs associated with the demolition and disposal of these structures in the event that it is abandoned by the TCC, it is recommended that UN bears the cost. The argument is that the UN is responsible to repatriate these assets if the TCCs decide to take it back to their home country and the cost of repatriating these premises cannot be equated to the cost of dismantling and clearing the premises. 

Regarding the land restoration costs, it continues to remain the responsibility of the UN and accordingly, IPSAS policy on Contingent Liabilities will apply.

Water lots will be recorded as part of real estate data whether they are owned or leased by the Organization. If leased, they are considered to be lease-ins (UN as tenant) regardless of whether they are leased commercially, nominally or are under a right to use agreement. Wharf improvements are treated as leasehold improvements. However, capitalization of such improvements is determined by IPSAS parameters.

Project Management

 Yes, but the financial portion of the transactions will be recorded in Umoja.

Supply Chain

(1) If alternative item/substitute item/supplement line added to bid response, the system will adopt the account assignment information from the original line item. 

(2) If a new line item is added independently to a bid response, the funding needs to be entered by the Buyer at time of PO creation. This would also apply to scenarios in which the Buyer adds items to an RFx (when creating it). 

In both of the cases there is no workflow back to the SC approver - this needs to be managed through ad hoc approval as per business requirements.

When creating the shopping cart, you will not see the specific buyer, but the group of buyers assigned to the purchasing group. You can view this group from the 'Item Data' tab under the SC item details: 

- Under 'Organization' (you will see a defaulted purchasing group)

- Clicking on the link 'Show Members' will show the list of Buyers associated with this purchasing group

When calling off a contract in the catalog created in a non-USD currency, the currency of the contract will default to the SC. If you want to view the overall USD equivalent of the SC, you can view this at the bottom right hand corner (below the line items - you may need to scroll to the right).


Click on the "Team Carts" query, and then click "Refresh."

Supplier Text is printed on the Shopping Cart and PO printouts as an item long description. Internal note is not printed on any of the forms, but is still visible to Procurement and is still passed on to the follow-on document (PO, RFx, etc.).


The user will not be able to find a Shopping Cart in the work overview nor through Advanced Search if he is logged into Umoja as buyer. Buyers will be able to see shopping cart line items once the Shopping Cart is approved in the Sourcing Cockpit.

In this case, the Shopping Cart has two levels of approvals. Go to the Shopping Cart, tab approval and you will notice that another level of approval is required.

Ensure that the "Show my team carts" checkbox is checked, then click "Apply" and "Refresh."

In your Workflow Overview screen, click on the paper icon to the right of the refresh button. This will bring up a menu where you can select "Manage Substitution Rules." These rules will allowyou to delegate your tasks while you are on leave, for a specific timeframe or indefinitely.

In your Workflow Overview screen, click on the paper icon to the right of the refresh button. This will bring up a menu where you can select "Manage Substitution Rules." These rules will allow you to delegate your tasks while you are on leave, for a specific timeframe or indefinitely. 

Master Data Maintenance does not require forms to be manually signed as part of the Approval process. Simply typing the name in the field will suffice. The form was designed with the option for manual signatures in case of blackout periods.


HR Tools

Uncertified sick leave is intended for use by staff members when they are unable to perform their duties due to illness or injury for short periods of time. Uncertified sick leave (maximum 7 days leave with pay) may also be used by staff to attend to family-related emergencies. Should a staff member utilize this option, they are required to make every effort to inform their supervisor in advance of the proposed leave and of its duration. However, if this is not possible, he or she shall provide the required information on the first day taken as emergency family leave. Leave taken for this purpose is not considered as “personal days”.

Uncertified sick leave (maximum 7 days leave with pay) may also be used by staff to attend to family-related emergencies. Should a staff member utilize this option, they are required to make every effort to inform their supervisor in advance of the proposed leave and of its duration. However, if this is not possible, he or she shall provide the required information on the first day taken as emergency family leave. In cases of death or emergency of an immediate family member and additional time off is required, a staff member may apply for Special Leave (without pay) for a maximum duration of two weeks plus necessary travel time.

A staff member’s maximum entitlement to sick leave will be determined by the type and duration of his or her appointment. When the entitlement to sick leave has been exhausted, further certified sick leave shall be charged to annual leave. When this entitlement has been exhausted, the staff member will be placed on special leave without pay at which time a determination will be made if the staff member could be considered for a disability pension.

Certified sick leave of more than seven days and up to 20 days during the annual cycle requires certification without diagnosis from a licensed medical practitioner. After 20 days during the annual cycle the medical certification must include the diagnosis and you submit the certification with the diagnosis to your Medical Service.

Staff members have an obligation to inform their supervisors as soon as possible of any absences due to illness or injury, and promptly submit the medical certificate or report, if required, to certify their sick leave. If you were unable to obtain the necessary certification at the early stage of your absence on sick leave, you have up to 20 working days following the initial absence from duty to do so.

A staff member on sick leave shall not leave the duty station without the prior approval of the UN medical officer who may in special circumstances, approve the request from a staff member when the competent medical facilities are not available in the duty station or when the staff member requires accompanying family care during the treatment.

If you have a spouse at the time of separation, your spouse need not be a dependent spouse; upon your separation with the Organization, the repatriation grant should be authorized at the dependency rate, provided your spouse is your household member who was installed with you at your duty station.


Sick leave is authorized time off from work when a staff member is unable to perform his/her functions because of sickness or injury. There are two types of sick leave: • Uncertified sick leave – absences of up to seven working days during the annual leave cycle (April through March) for which you do not need to provide a doctor’s note, for sickness, injury, or for family-related emergencies. • Certified sick leave – absences in excess of seven working days during the annual leave cycle. You must submit a doctor’s note for approval. The first 20 days of certified sick leave during the annual cycle is approved by your (local) HR official or executive office. After the first 20 days, certified sick leave is approved by the Medical Service.

No, the step- in-grade pay increment will not be paid when the staff member separates during the month in which the increment would otherwise have been due.

Retired staff members who are above their mandatory age of separation can be employed by the Organization on temporary appointment or as an individual contractor or as a consultant. Please consult the HR Handbook for details on the conditions that apply. When such employment is approved, it can begin only after at least three months has elapsed since the date of retirement.

The amount of repatriation grant is determined by a number of factors and provides for payment of a certain number of weeks of gross salary less staff assessment on the basis of the number of years of completed qualifying service. Consult the HR Handbook for Annex IV to the Staff Regulations for the amounts that would be payable.

Rest and recuperation must be taken within one month following the completion of the period of uninterrupted qualifying service. The period of qualifying service starts counting from your date of arrival at the duty station, or from the date of return from last rest and recuperation, or from the date of return from any leave that has interrupted the qualifying service. Any absence of more than three working days—on annual leave, sick leave, family leave, family visit travel, home leave, or official business travel combined with annual leave/special leave—interrupts the period of service.

Rest and recuperation is due only at duty stations designated for payment of rest and recuperation. The frequency of rest and recuperation depends on the duty station where you are serving: 1) Every 6 weeks in extremely dangerous locations and war/conflict areas 2) Every 8 weeks at all non-family and restricted duty stations 3) Every 12 weeks at duty stations with a high level of hardship (D or E).

All staff members are expected to separate on the mandatory date of their retirement. In very exceptional circumstances, retention in service of staff members beyond the mandatory age of separation may be approved by the SecretaryGeneral only when it is in the interest of the Organization.


It is possible to request a deferral of the repatriation grant to a later period. Such request should be submitted as soon as possible in advance of your separation from the Organization and will be reviewed and approved by the Office of Human Resources Management or the local HR Office as applicable. Deferral of this entitlement can be approved for a period of up to two years.

When the UN provides free transportation to the official R & R destination and the staff member decides to travel to an alternate destination, it will be at the staff member’s own expense. When free transportation is not provided, if you choose to travel to a location other than the official R & R destination, the Organization will pay the lower of either (a) the cost between the duty station and the official R & R destination or (b) the cost between the duty station and the place to where you have chosen to go for R & R.

No, post adjustment is not included in the calculation of the repatriation grant paid to a staff member.

The rental subsidy stops at the beginning of the period of SLWOP and resumes on return to duty. The SLWOP period is not counted towards the normal maximum sevenyear period of the rental subsidy in Europe and North America. If the period of SLWOP is less than one full month you will not receive payment of rental subsidy for that month.

No. The repatriation grant is not paid to a staff member who is summarily dismissed or who abandons his or her post.

A staff member holding a temporary appointment who is considered internationally recruited, according to staff rule 4.5, shall be eligible for the payment of the repatriation grant at the single rate only, regardless of her/his family status in accordance with the data in annex IV to the Staff Regulations.

It is the portion of rent NOT subject to a subsidy by the UN at the duty station. The rental subsidy calculation is a complex formula using several main contributing factors: your duty station and what is considered to be the highest reasonable rent level you should pay in that location (maximum rent level), the actual amount of rent you pay (lease), your family composition and your income (grade level and step). The individual threshold is calculated as (monthly net salary + post adjustment) x threshold percentage rate. If your rent is less than your individual threshold, there is no rental subsidy. Your individual threshold can change with changes in base salary, post adjustment, or family situation.

Your dependents who are recognized by the Organization (spouse and children) must live reside with you at the duty station for the major part of the year to be considered in the determination of your reasonable maximum rent level.

Rental subsidy begins once you are settled with the DSA portion of the assignment grant covering the period when you first arrive. The subsidy is generally payable from the first day following the end of payment of the Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) portion of the Assignment Grant, or from the first day of your lease agreement, whichever date is later.

The rental subsidy calculation is a complex formula using several main contributing factors: your duty station and what is considered to be the highest reasonable rent level you should pay in that location (maximum rent level), the actual amount of rent you pay (lease), your family composition and your income (grade level and step). The "dependant rate" is used if a staff member's spouse and/or child has been recognized as an eligible dependant by the Organization and the salary is at the dependency rate. If no spouse or child is recognized as an eligible dependant, the salary is at single rate and the "single rate" is used in calculating the rental subsidy.

The rental subsidy calculation is a complex formula using several main contributing factors: your duty station and what is considered to be the highest reasonable rent level you should pay in that location (maximum rent level), the actual amount of rent you pay (lease), your family composition and your income (grade level and step). The "dependant rate" is used if a staff member's spouse and/or child has been recognized as an eligible dependant by the Organization and the salary is at the dependency rate. If no spouse or child is recognized as an eligible dependant, the salary is at single rate and the "single rate" is used in calculating the rental subsidy.


In Europe and North America the rental subsidy period at a duty station is seven years from the date in which the person took up residency in the commuting area of the duty station, which is defined on a local basis. If you have lived in the commuting area of the duty station for more than seven years before being internationally recruited as a UN staff member, you do not receive a rental subsidy. If you have lived in the commuting area of the duty station for less than seven years, you may apply for the rental subsidy for the balance of the seven-year period.


Starting 1 July 2014, Umoja will start to be deployed at various duty stations. If Umoja has not yet been deployed where you are located then you must follow the procedures currently in place. With Umoja, you manage your rental subsidy application, changes, and annual declaration through the system. Forms are not used but certain documentation is required. 1) For a new rental subsidy application or a revised application when there is a change in the rent, dwelling or family situation, Submit a new application as soon as you sign the lease and have all of the documentation. Submit a revised application for a change in rent, dwelling, or family situation no later than 30 days after the change has occurred. 1) Log in to the Umoja Employee Self Service Portal (ESS) 2) Select Entitlements 3) Click on ‘Check Entitlements Eligibility’ Do you have an HR question? Email 11 June 2014, version1 Disclaimer: This is an advance copy and all links and references listed are not yet available 4) Select Rental Subsidy – Apply online IMPORTANT: You must retain all original documents for a period of five years starting from the date of the submission of the claim. 2) Annual Declaration when there is no change and your lease is still valid. Certify the information on file to receive continued payment of the subsidy. 1) Log in to the Umoja Employee Self Service Portal (ESS) 2) Select Life and Work Events 3) Select Work Events>Annual Declaration, then Rental Subsidy.

You can get an estimate by using the Benefits at My Duty Station Calculator on the Pay and Benefits page of the HR Portal. (Link not yet available)

You can get an estimate by using the Benefits at My Duty Station Calculator on the Pay and Benefits page of the HR Portal. (Link not yet available)

The maximum reasonable rent level by duty station is found in the Benefits at My Duty Station Calculator on the Pay and Benefits page of the HR Portal. The maximum rent levels are also published in Information Circulars of which you can find by searching the HR Handbook.

The threshold percentage is published by the International Civil Service Commission on its website. From the ICSC homepage map, click on the country, the information icon, and from the data that opens about that country, click post adjustment classification. Rental subsidy percentage for that country is also provided on the screen.

If you return to the same duty station the seven-year scheme starts anew only if you have spent six months or more outside of the duty station and if the return to the duty station required a change of residence.

The amount of the relocation grant depends on the length of the appointments and movement and on the staff members family composition.

If you have to delay your repatriation for compelling reasons, you can request for a deferral of your repatriation travel which will also defer your entitlement for relocation grant. Deferral is possible for up to two years and is subject to approval by the local HR official.

Your relocation grant will be based on the allowance package coming with the twoyear fixed term appointment. Accordingly, you can then receive a lump sum for unaccompanied shipment in the amount of $15,000 USD at the family rate or $10,000 USD at the single rate.

For temporary appointments and temporary movements of less than one year the non-removal allowance is not paid.

After a staff member moves and becomes eligible for the non-removal allowance, it is paid for five years of active service at the same duty station.

The allowance depends upon choosing either the unaccompanied shipment orrelocation grant for shipment and is paid monthly in an amount according to the staff member’s grade and family status (single or dependent) as well as the category of the duty station.

When you were initially installed at your duty station, you should have received a relocation grant for $10,000, which is the amount at single rate (considering that your family did not travel with you at that time). Now when at least one of your family members travels to join you in the duty station, you will be receiving additional $5,000, which is the difference between the family rate and the single rate. Please refer to the guidelines for the implementation of GA Resolution 65/248 on the harmonization of the conditions of service for internationally recruited staff currently appointed or assigned to a non-family location for one year or longer that will become a regular family duty station. It is stipulated that staff members are eligible for shipment of personal effects of the eligible family members under Staff Rules or payment of $5, 000 relocation grant in lieu of shipment of personal effects.

When you were initially installed at your duty station, you should have received a relocation grant for $10,000, which is the amount at single rate (considering that your family did not travel with you at that time). Now when at least one of your family members travels to join you in the duty station, you will be receiving additional $5,000, which is the difference between the family rate and the single rate. Please refer to the guidelines for the implementation of GA Resolution 65/248 on the harmonization of the conditions of service for internationally recruited staff currently appointed or assigned to a non-family location for one year or longer that will become a regular family duty station. It is stipulated that staff members are eligible for shipment of personal effects of the eligible family members under Staff Rules or payment of $5, 000 relocation grant in lieu of shipment of personal effects.


The non-removal allowance is a monthly amount paid to compensate for the nonremoval of personal effects and household goods when a staff member relocates to a new duty station. The amount of the allowance varies according to the staff member’s grade and family status (single or dependent) as well as the category of the duty station.


No. Travel of family members in connection with a staff member’s appointment or assignment can be made only to the family duty station that the staff member is assigned to, as the purpose of the travel for the family is to reside with the staff member at the duty station.


Shipping options depend on the type and duration of the assignment/movement, your personal profile, and the assigned duty station you are going to.

The removal entitlement is when the Organization takes care of all the arrangements and pays the cost of shipment of a large part of your belongings (within established weight or volume limits). Under the non-removal entitlement, the Organization will either pay a fixed lump-sum amount, (called a Relocation Grant), or alternatively, if the staff member’s chooses, arrange for unaccompanied shipment of a small part of their belongings and pay a monthly non-removal allowance for a duration of five years.

As long as you remain installed in your current duty station where you received yourmobility allowance, it will not change while you travel for duty on assignments of lessthan one year.Your mobility allowance will change on transfer or reassignment, onlywhen you are installed in a new duty station.


A transfer from one duty station to another normally happens when you are selectedfor a vacant position at a different duty station, or by a lateral move to a post inanother duty station but withinthe department/office. Since it is a permanent move,the staff member has no return rights to the position they left. If you move again atsome time in the future, the allowances are based on your individual profile and the assigned duty station. You are installed at the new duty station when you move there and are then paid allowances based on your individual profile and the assigned duty station.

A temporary movement between duty stations is moving to a different position for a limited period of time within the same Department or Office or in a different Department/Office. The temporary movement between duty stations can be either: a) temporary assignment, where you move to a new position and retain the lien to come back to the same position you left when the assignment ends; or b) temporary loan, where both you and your post are ‘loaned’ to a different organizational unit and supervisor for a definite period of time and at the end both you and your position return to the original organizational unit. Which option selected is a management decision between the two offices. For the staff member, each option has different implications regarding their conditions of service.

Locally-recruited General Service staff members, including those on a temporary grade to the Field Service category, are not entitled to the mobility allowance, as they revert to their GS status (with no international benefits) upon return to their parent duty station.

The clock counting five years for the purpose of mobility allowance will be stopped once you go on special leave without pay. The clock will resume once you return to active duty.

When two staff members are married to each other and each is entitled to themobility allowances, each shall be paid at the single rate. If there are one or more dependent children, the allowance is paid at the dependency rate to the staff member for whom the child or children are recognized as dependants.

Staff members who are already in receipt of the mobility allowance will continue get it while in receipt of a DSA for official travel.

When a staff member has had at least five year’s consecutive service, for staff serving at duty stations in categories A to E, the mobility allowance is payable from the second assignment of one year or longer; at duty stations in category H, the mobility allowance is payable from the fourth assignment and only if the staff member has had two or more assignments, each for a period of one year or longer, at duty stations in categories A to E.

If your appointment expires before the end of the school year, you must submit the claim one month before the date of your separation from service. 

Life and work events are changes that affect your personal profile information and entitlements in two important areas: changes in your life (such as marriage, divorce or birth of a child) and changes in your employment (such as a temporary move or a transfer to a new duty station). Staff members are responsible for keeping information about changes in life and work events up-to-date and accurate so that affected allowances and benefits can be aligned with your profile.

You do not need to take any actions in Umoja when you change jobs within the same duty station. You will receive notifications about actions taken in Umoja by the offices involved. You receive a movement notification when your selection is finalized and the release date is determined. The notification is also sent to the Manager of the releasing office, and to the Receiving and Releasing HR Partners. If your change in job means moving to a different duty station, you will receive the notifications that tell you to take the necessary actions for shipment, travel, and the allowances related to the movement. Note: Starting 1 July 2014, Umoja will start to be deployed at various duty stations. If Umoja has not yet been deployed where you are located then you must follow the procedures currently in place.

The salary of staff members in all categories is calculated at either the single or dependency rate. A dependent is a UN-recognized family member for whom the staff member provides main and continuing support. The dependency rate applies when there is a dependent spouse or one child. The dependency allowance is payable to additional children who meet the requirements. Family status notification is used to request to receive or discontinue the dependency allowance for a dependent. Open the Maintain Family Status HR Factsheet for more information and the list of the relevant policy documents that can be found in the HR Handbook. 

You may combine education grant travel with home leave travel for your child provided the child spends at least seven days at the duty station, as well as seven days at the place of home leave. 

The amount of the education grant will be based on the actual location of the educational institution the child is attending, taking into account the location of theduty station where you are installed. Staff members are able to claim reimbursement for boarding costs, or payment of the flat sum for board, for a child attending school outside the non-family duty station.

Yes. However, any retroactive claim of education grant must be made within one year of the date on which the staff member would have been entitled to receive the grant, in this case the end of the school year. You must submit the P.45 form and all required supporting documentation as indicated on the Education Grant HR Factsheet.

You can request the lump-sum option for education grant travel but only to cover the round-trip journey. Once the lump-sum is selected, it is not possible to request the travel be arranged by the Organization for the same trip. 

Admissible expenses are tuition, textbooks, or tuition for the teaching of the mother tongue when the dependent child attends a local school in which the instruction is given in a language other than his or her own. All admissible and non-admissible expenses are explained in detail the relevant administrative instructions listed on the Education Grant HR Factsheet and found in the HR Handbook and may further be specified through periodic Information Circulars.When you submit a claim for admissible expenses you must also have the required documentation: a) You must have the P.41 form “Certificate of Attendance and Costs and Receipts for Payment” completed by the school. b) Substantiating documents—the invoices, receipts, cancelled checks and bank statements that document the education expenditures c) If you wish to claim for private tuition for education in the mother tongue, you must also have the teacher’s certification.

The education grant follows the academic year. Open the Education Grant HR Factsheet for details about applying in advance of an academic year or making a claim at the end of an academic year.

If a child attends different schools during the same academic year, the amount of the grant will be prorated according to the time spent at each academic institution, not to exceed the total entitlement (for more information see the relevant administrative instructions listed on the Education Grant HR Factsheet and found in the HR Handbook). Education grant travel is payable for one round trip journey by the child each scholastic year between the educational institution and the duty station. Regardless of the change in schools, only one round trip journey during that academic year can be claimed.

In most cases, when the child is studying in the country of the duty station, no matter how far, boarding and travel expenses are not admissible under the education grant entitlements.

Boarding expenses can be admissible on exceptional basis when a child attends an educational institution beyond commuting distance from the area where the staff member is serving and in the opinion of the Secretary-General, no school in the area will be suitable for the child. Information on such exceptions can be obtained from the local HR Office.

The amount of the grant to be paid will be prorated. The modalities for prorating the amount of the education grant are described in the relevant administrative instructions listed on the Education Grant HR Factsheet and found in the HR Handbook. You can submit a claim for expenses you have paid. If your child does not complete the school year, you must submit the claim within one month of the date your child’s full-time attendance ends.

The International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) is responsible for authorizing which duty stations hazard pay applies to. The authorization is normally for a period of up to three months at a time and subject to ongoing review. It is lifted when hazardous conditions are deemed to have abated. > Open the list of duty stations where danger pay is currently in effect.

The International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) decided to discontinue what was known as hazard pay and institute danger pay. The purpose remains the same—to compensate staff members for working under extremely difficult and dangerous conditions.

For internationally-recruited staff, the danger pay allowance is currently US$1,600 per month. For locally recruited staff, the allowance is 30 per cent of the net midpoint of theapplicable local General Service salary scale (excluding long-service and longevity steps, if any).

There is no limitation to the number of times a fixed-term appointment may be renewed. Each new fixed-term appointment can be granted for a period of up to five years.

An initial temporary appointment is granted for up to 364 days. It may, however, be extended for up to 729 days, if warranted by operational needs related to field operations and/or special projects. A temporary appointment shall not be converted to any other type of appointment.

Determination to renew or extend a contract is made by the manager based on the operational needs of the Organization and performance of the staff member. In exceptional circumstances, contracts may be extended solely for administrative reasons, i.e. to allow staff member fully utilize an entitlement, or complete an administrative procedure. Exceptions in such circumstances are reviewed and approved by the HR office.

Yes, if they have been authorized to proceed on travel involving relocation on initial appointment, assignment or transfer they may receive an assignment grant with the amount of the grant differing depending on the type of appointment held and the length of appointment. For temporary assignments of less than one year they will receive 30 days of DSA for themselves only. There is no lump sum payment. > Open the Assignment Grant HR Factsheet > Open the Temporary Movement Between Duty Stations HR Factsheet

For internationally recruited staff members holding an appointment other than a temporary appointment : “If an assignment of less than three years’ duration is subsequently extended to three years or more, a second one-month lump-sum is payable at the beginning of the third year”.

Annual leave may be requested as needed. When you wish to use annual leave days, talk with your supervisor to get pre-approval of the dates. Taking into account the balance of days available to you, supervisors will approve annual leave depending on the needs of the unit and the availability of back-up arrangements for your absence.

Staff members who have been authorized to proceed on travel involving relocation on initial appointment, assignment or transfer may receive an assignment grant. The amount depending on the type and length of appointment. The grant is not payable if you are recruited from the area within commuting distance of the duty station unless you can demonstrate that it was necessary for you to change accommodation as a direct consequence of the appointment with the Secretariat. Commuting distance is determined specifically for each duty station. For example, at UN Headquarters in New York, the area within a 50 mile radius from Columbus Circle is considered commuting distance.

Advance annual leave may be granted in exceptional circumstances when a staff member does not have enough annual leave balance to cover the days requested. The maximum advance annual leave granted is 10 working days. The duration of your contract must be long enough going forward so that you will accrue the number of days that are advanced to you. An exception to advance annual leave is approved by the HR office. 

Yes .Sickness and emergencies are unpredictable. The Organization continues to pay your salary while you are recovering as long as it is within your maximum entitlement limits and proper medical documentation is submitted, when required.


Sick leave during annual leave may be approved if a staff member is ill for more than five consecutive working days (not including weekends or holidays), in any seven day period while on annual leave, including home leave, provided that the sick leave is certified. If the illness does not cover more than five consecutive working days, the entire duration of absence is considered annual leave.


An overview of the Support Services and the Leads in the Administrative Services Branch is available from OCHAnet. 

If you need any help to navigate Umoja, please contact your local Umoja focal points ('super user') in your Branch/Section or field office. The names of the focal points are available from OCHAnet. If the super user is not able to assist you, your issue will be escalated by the super user to colleagues in the Administrative Services Branch (ASB), who will make sure that the issue is addressed by the appropriate OCHA 'Local Process Expert'.

For technical support, including access issues, kindly contact the OCHA Umoja Technical Team (UTT) at

The Unite Service Desk is a global ICT help desk service comprised of service desks in Bangkok, Brindisi, Geneva, Nairobi and New York, functioning as a single source of support. The role of the Desk is to resolve ICT issues for Umoja and other key UN applications. While the OCHA focal points or the OCHA Umoja Technical Team should be your first point of contact for support, the Unite Service Desk is available 24/7, online at:



National field staff will not be using the Self-Service modules in Umoja as UNDP will continue to administer this category of staff. National field staff who have been designated to perform specific transactional roles will be using Umoja as part of their operational responsibilities. 

By and large, the conversion from the old system (IMIS) to Umoja was successful, with a minimum of the almost 900 Umoja-impacted OCHA staff experiencing any adverse effects. To the widest extent possible, OCHA processed administrative requests in advance of the roll out period, but as OCHA’s operational requirements continued unabated, offline procedures were activated during the blackout period and in the days immediately following Umoja roll out. In the majority of cases, staff were for example onboarded and travelled in accordance with submitted requests. At the same time, there were individual cases where the circumstances of the staff member tested the offline procedures beyond their resilience. While these instances caused inconvenience to the impacted staff, the cases were targeted for expedited action and urgently addressed. In the event that a staff member has experienced an issue that has not been reported to the local administrative focal point, any concerned staff should do so for immediate support. 


During the first week following Umoja roll out, staff received this message in error when their leave was approved by their supervisor (and also reflected as such in the system). The error has been corrected, and the system is now fully functional. If staff or managers would like to reduce the number of emails relating to pending requests in their inbox, it is recommended to establish a separate folder in Lotus Notes and set up a QuickRule to route such emails to the directly to the folder. Remember to check the folder regularly.

There are established procedures for managing the access of so-called ‘transactional users’ and all requests are administered the Administrative Services Branch (ASB) for each functional area (e.g. human resources and finance). In the first instance you should direct your request to Colin Richards ( in ASB who will provide details on these procedures and will link you up with the appropriate focal points.


As a first step you should contact your HR focal point in Geneva or New York who will check whether the incorrect information is due to flawed legacy data migrated from the old system (IMIS). If this is the case, then the issue can be addressed by the respective HR team. If, on the other hand, it is established that the incorrect data is due to an Umoja conversion issue, then the HR focal point will escalate the matter to the Organizational Management Administrator in New York who will address the issue. 


All international staff and local staff on UN Secretariat appointments will at some point need to use Umoja to record personal life events, ask for annual leave, request travel, or related administrative action. Staff should therefore take a couple of minutes to access Employee Self-Service ( and review and verify their personal information and their reporting line. 

Yes, before creating a travel request in Umoja, you will need the written approval of your supervisor and the relevant budget owner (in some cases this may be the same person). When requesting travel, you should use the comment box to self-certify that you have received the approval of the supervisor and the relevant budget owner. In addition, you should inform your supervisor of your travel through Employee Self-Service (select Time Management – Create Leave Request – Official Business from the drop down menu).

With the recent additions of Temporary Job Openings, Consultants and Individual Contractors, Inspira now serves as the integrated portal for recruitment and hiring across the UN Secretariat. While the procedures currently in place to request recruitment will not be impacted by Umoja, the roll out of the new system does mean that key personnel data of successful candidates will be imported from Inspira, facilitating the onboarding process.


Due to unexpected complications, OHRM has decided not to use the Manager Self-Service (MSS) functionality for contract renewal/extension until 31 August 2015, when further enhancements will be in place. For contracts expiring between 1 June and 31 August, existing offline procedures will remain in place. If you have any questions, please contact your HR focal point.

Staff will continue to be paid on time using Umoja. In preparation for end-of-June salary payments, the Umoja team has performed mock ‘payroll runs’ to identify and address any cases where administrative action (e.g. contract expiration) is required to ensure payment. In the unlikely event that a staff member’s case has not been addressed at the time of payroll cut off in mid-June, a special procedure (salary advance) will be executed to make sure that the staff member is paid on time. A key benefit of Umoja will be the elimination of the payroll issues that previously occurred when staff transferred between for example New York and the field. Once a staff member is in Umoja, there is no need for additional entries, contrary to for example the UNDP system where staff members have to be entered locally every time they change duty stations. Umoja will not impact the payroll of national field staff who will continue to be payrolled by UNDP.


You can find all the information related to reports in the Navigation training. Modifying Layout, Drill Down capabilities, Exporting reports to excel. Link is informed bellow:!/wiki/W9edaf09f528e_4ee8_8114_b7c3078ee987/page/Navigation


You can find all the information related to reports in the Navigation training. Modifying Layout, Drill Down capabilities, Exporting reports to excel. Link is informed bellow:!/wiki/W9edaf09f528e_4ee8_8114_b7c3078ee987/page/Navigation


There are many SAP transactions, you can find tcodes and description searching online. A helpful orientation would be reviewing your training material to focus on the sap transactions that are relevant to your function and profile. Navigating the SAP menu is another way to find the transactions without the need to memorize the tcodes. Find training Material by functions at The Hub: If you have additional questions, ask in the forum. Collaborate. Talk to your focal point.

Naming convention for tcodes in SAP is dependent on the area of application and it's functionality which is represented by first two characters. Last two characters are generally are numerals which are logically assigned sequence numbers. For example: Eng = German Sales = Vertrieb Order = Auftrag .....VA01 - Sales Order Create, VA02 - Sales Order Change, VA03 - Sales Order Display Delivery = Lieferung....VL01N - Sales Delivery Create New, VL02N Sales Delivery Change New, VL03N - Sales Delivery Display New (N in the end generally means NEW, in such case there would be an old transaction without N as well) Invoice = Faktur ....VF01 - Sales Invoice Create, VF02 - Sales Invoice Change, VF03 - Sales Invoice Display Generelly numerals 1, 2 & 3 in the end represent Create, Change & Display respectively. Similarly procurment in German is Erwerbung, hence the tcode ME21/ME22/ME23 - Purchase Order create/change/display where 'M' stands for Materials 'E' stands for Erwerbung in German. All the transactions follow the same naming convention.

UNDP Advance

The OAH or mission creates the payable document to UNDP, using FV60 against UNDP HQ vendor (1400000100), with payment method A (ACH-CCD).

Payables against this vendor are picked up and paid centrally from New York (by the Treasury division) as a result of the use of the payment method A. 

The Donor Code (given to the UN Secretariat by UNDP) of the UN entity paying the advance should have been entered in both the reference field and text field of the FV60 document. The remittance advance, which is automatically emailed to UNDP (,,, and when the payment is made by the Treasury Division,  contains the text field on the vendor line. UNDP use the Donor Code to identify who sent the advance. 

If this information has not been entered when raising the FV60 document (as per UNDP job aid 2-0, then UNDP will not be able to establish which entity sent the funds.

To find an entity’s donor code use t-code ZAP_DONORMAP. This t-code is provisioned to all Finance Roles

This is a decision for the individual entity; however please note that cash on the fund/grant will be reduced when the payment is made. As such, if the fund/grant that is paying the advance is not the same as the fund/grant that is issuing the Financial Authorisation (FA), the fund/grant used for the advance is temporarily financing the other fund/grant until the SCA file is posted and the advance account is cleared.


The advance document does not consume budget but it will consume cash on the related fund/grant.

UNDP Financial Authorisations

In order to update the text information, find the relevant FI Document number. 
Open the FI document using FB02 (edit document). 
Double click on the line related to the vendor

Click on the button for the long text

Select the icon for editor

Enter the updated text in the field

Click the back arrow, then select copy text

Then save

The text will now be updated when you re-run ZAP_FIAUTH

Note: Umoja will always first check the FI Document for text. If there is no text, it will then check the invoice document. 


Ensure you have entered text into the Internal Note field of the line item.  Click on Internal Note, which is located on the Notes and Attachments tab of the line item. Please note that for POs with multiple service lines, users must enter all instructions (for all lines) on the first line for them to appear on the FA.

In the case where the PO does not include VAT because the UN procedure is to not include VAT in the PO (as this is included at the time of the invoice), text should be added either in the detailed instruction of the PO or in the remarks field of the FA to instruct UNDP to pay the VAT.

The source document for the FA needs to be modified first and the changes will then be reflected in the FA.

Note that the Remarks field can be used to add additional instructions for UNDP. But this should not contradict other instructions in the lines of the FA. 

Please refer to the list of UNDP Business partners in job aid 1-0. If the UNDP country office does not appear in this job aid please raise an ineed ticket to Umoja Master Data and provide details on which UNDP Country Office you believe is missing and the details of the transaction to be posted.

Check to ensure that the detailed instructions are entered at the line item level of the Funds Commitment not the header level.

Please check that the funds commitment is approved (FAs related to unapproved FCs cannot be sent).

If you have used a Funds Commitment, please check that vendor used is a UNDP Office. Please refer to UNDP Job aid 1-0 with the list of UNDP Business Partners which should be used. Also ensure that the UNDP vendor is on every line of your funds commitment.

The funds center of the funds commitment may not be mapped to a UNDP donor code (this can be checked using ZAP_DONORMAP, this T-code is mapped to finance roles).  If the funds center is not mapped an ineed ticket needs to be raised and assigned to Umoja Tier 2b-Financial Accounting in UNHQ.

Please check that the vendor used is a UNDP Office.  Please refer to UNDP Job aid 1-0 with the list of UNDP Business Partners which should be used.

The funds center of the purchase order may not be mapped to a UNDP donor code (this can be checked using ZAP_DONORMAP, this T-code is mapped to finance roles). If the funds center is not mapped, an ineed ticket needs to be raised and assigned to Umoja Tier 2b-Financial Accounting in UNHQ.

  • Check that there is no payment block.
  • Ensure that there is a funds center on each line of the FV60 document (even if the line relates to a balance sheet account, i.e. for MPOs, petty cash etc).
  • The funds center of the AP Doc may not be mapped to a UNDP donor code (this can be checked using ZAP_DONORMAP, this T-code is mapped to finance roles).  If the funds center is not mapped an ineed ticket needs to be raised and assigned to Umoja Tier 2b-Financial Accounting in UNHQ.
  • Check the payment method selected, it should be U.
  • Check that the FV60 or MIR7 was posted/approved (if they are not approved the FA cannot be created).

Some of the possible reasons are as follows:

  • Check the payment method selected, it should be U on the FI (use FBV3 to check).
  • If payment method “Other” is not selected in the Travel Portal, the TPA will not be able to add in the UNDP vendor.

  • Check the vendor text field in the FI document to ensure the UNDP Donor code is there.
  • The funds center of the funds commitment may not be mapped to a UNDP donor code (this can be checked using ZAP_DONORMAP, this T-code is mapped to finance roles). If the funds center is not mapped an ineed ticket needs to be raised assigned to Umoja Tier 2b-Financial Accounting in UNHQ.
  • There is a payment block on the AP document.