
22 November 2016

A friendly reminder that the Monthly Time Statements are now issued automatically by Umoja on the 25th of every month for review and certification by the staff member.

Your Monthly Time Statement reflects:

10 November 2016

OPPBA and the Umoja BI team have developed a new Commitments and Pre-Commitments report. The report allows entities to monitor pre-commitments and commitments at year-end and budget period closing in order to ensure committed funds are used within the relevant period. 

10 November 2016

After months of preparation and hard work, Umoja now extends to National Staff and Individual Uniformed Personnel in DFS supported Missions.

As a National Staff, whether you are familiar with Umoja or this is your first experience interacting with the system, please read on for key information and resources available to Umoja users. 

10 November 2016

On 1 November 2016, the Umoja human resources and payroll functionality became available for over 11,600 national staff and 6,800 uniformed personnel from peacekeeping operations and special political missions. 

27 October 2016

New Umoja Extension 2 (UE2) Preventive Maintenance functionality is now available in Umoja. The Services Delivery team, in close partnership with OCSS, UNOG, ECA, ECLAC and ESCWA, successfully deployed a pilot project; the functionality is expected to reach more entities over the coming months.

27 October 2016

On Friday, 21 October 2016, the Business-to-Business (B2B) inbound invoice interface with Office Depot was successfully deployed. This interface represents a significant milestone as is reduces the amount of manual work required to process large volumes of low value invoices.

26 October 2016

You are invited to attend the "go-live" event for Umoja at Cluster 5!

The deployment at Cluster 5 will bring Extension 1 functionality to over 11,600 national staff and nearly 9,000 individual uniformed personnel in peacekeeping and special political missions.

21 October 2016

The Umoja countdown clock is winding down towards the day when National Staff and Individual Uniformed Personnel start using Umoja.