Umoja Release Note: 19 March 2017

Umoja Release Note # 2017-037
For the period 20 February – 19 March 2017

Umoja System Changes

CS: SD - Sales and Distribution

INTTRK-11525 (10 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-IM-1-4346002056        
Currency information in the Sales Order and Billing Document is now displayed in its original formatting. Also, currency information of Billing document's printing version is now displayed in its original formatting as well.

CS: TV - Travel Management

INTTRK-11936 (24 February)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-IM-1-3882735288        
A display defect was corrected whereby the Travel Administrator's name (instead of the traveler's name) would appear on the top portion of the Itinerary Details page of a standalone expense report.

INTTRK-10735 (3 March)
The following columns have been added to the Approver Work Center (AWC): 

  • Traveler Duty Station 
  • Traveler Org. Unit 
  • Event Name 

Additionally, 'Submission Date' has been renamed to 'Date of Prior Approval'.

INTTRK-12159 (6 March)
WO/CCBREQ# Internal
The “Amend Approved Travel Authorization” button is now properly disabled for trips that have already been cancelled.

INTTRK-11336 (9 March)
This INTTRK resolves a number of defects in the travel and payroll integration batch, enabling more frequent execution of the program to recover travel advances for trips where travelers did not submit their expense reports on time.

INTTRK-12571 (10 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-IM-1-4691779319, WO-IM-1-4691644663
This INTTRK addresses performance issues and a problem with the 'TSA Office' column.

INTTRK-12241 (10 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-IM-1-4418689041
New Travel service provider QUALITY AVIATION (PVT) LTD has been configured for UNODC-Islamabad and UNOV.

FI: AP - Accounts Payable

INTTRK-12464 (3 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-RFS-1-4659926613        
Cash journal 5790 for CVR MINUSTAH in Port Au Prince with USD currency, Fund 20HSA, BA P012 and GMNR as grant has been created.

INTTRK-12434 (3 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-RFS-1-4659970262
Cash journal 5789 for UNCITRAL in Incheon, Rep. of Korea with KRW currency, Fund- 32TTA , BA S100, and Grant-M1-32TTA-000001 has been created.

INTTRK-12611 (17 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-RFS-1-4702125153    
Cash journal 5796 for OCHA in Burundi with currency BIF, fund 32DDN, grant M1-32DDN-000002, and BA S200 has been created.

INTTRK-12610 (17 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-RFS-1-4701703631    
The names for cash journals 5584 and 5588 have been updated as below: 

  • 5584-PC F400 BOGOTA COP 
  • 5588-PC F400 VALDIVIA COP 

while the currency, BA, fund, etc. remains unchanged.

INTTRK-12597 (17 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-RFS-1-4696582517    
5 Imprests accounts for Mission in Colombia with currency COP, fund 10UNA and BA M027 have been created.

FI: FM - Budget Implementation (Funds Mgmt)

INTTRK-10483 (3 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-IM-1-3883148239        
1. When a budget re-deployment is created in the budgeting workbench, the following workflow is now determined by the sender line’s funds centre.  
2. When the budget document is approved/rejected, the workflow ends.

FI: GL - General Ledger

INTTRK-11245 (9 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-RFS-1-4263718261        
Account assignment models used in the rejection of UNDP SCA lines have been created for MINURSO, UNOCI, MINUSTAH, MINUSMA, MINUSCA, UNISFA and UN Mission in Columbia.

FI: TR - Treasury and Cash Management

INTTRK-12044 (24 February)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-RFS-1-4530020347        
This item added missing cross currency translation ratios to facilitate payments.

INTTRK-11630 (17 March)
WO/CCBREQ# RFS-1-4396496531, WO-RFS-1-4397079571    
The description of payment methods was updated to better describe their purpose. There is no change in the way the methods should be used.
Pymt Meth Old Description New Description 
D Cash payment to meeting partic Travel Paymast Clrg (35401210) 
Y Cash Pymt through Cash Journal CashPymtClrgCashJrnl(35109920) 
Z Cash Pymt List (House Bank) CashPickupHouseBank(BkClrgAct)

HR: BN - Benefits

INTTRK-12456 (10 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-IM-1-4659598394        
This item addresses an issue with the AETNA Medical Interface. Previously, when there had been a change of Dependents (Spouse), the First Name and Last Name would become mixed up in the eligibility files. The issue has been corrected, and the name of the spouse is now correctly reflected in the file.

HR: CT - Central Master Tables

INTTRK-12530 (3 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-RFS-1-4677299901    
Post adjustment rate changes effective 1 Mar 2017 have been implemented in production and included in Mar 2017 payroll.

INTTRK-12462 (3 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-RFS-1-4624441669    
Created 7 new duty stations and related attributes:

BR02 Manaus 
MM18 Kalay 
NG16 Akure 
BT01 Paro 
MW04 Mwanza 
BS00 Nassau 
MH00 Majuro 

INTTRK-12547 (13 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-RFS-1-4686281458
New York local salary scales including pensionable remuneration and dependency allowance for GS, PIA, LT, SS, TC effective 1 Nov 2016 has been implemented in production and included in Mar 2017 payroll.

INTTRK-12634 (16 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-RFS-1-4706939720
Mid month post adjustment and rental subsidy threshold percentage for Mar 2017 has been implemented in production and included in Mar payroll.

HR: EN - Entitlements

INTTRK-12425 (3 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-RFS-1-4653778506    
Step increment periodicity for Paris, France based on onboard date 1 Jan 2000 has been implemented in production and will be applicable for the March step increment batch. For those onboarded after 1 Jan 2000, steps up to 11 will be regular, and 12 will be a long service step. For those onboarded prior to 1 Jan 2000, higher steps up to 16, where applicable, will have normal periodicity. 

HR: OM - Organization Management

INTTRK-12363 (10 March)
HR Partners were unable to process PAs against a position moved to a newly created org unit. They had been receiving the hard stop message "No authorization to use position in org unit". This had been occurring because the security tables linking the child org unit to the parent org unit were not updated right away. This is now resolved.

HR: PA - Personnel Administration including Workforce Management

INTTRK-11514 (24 February)
WO/CCBREQ# n/a    
Changes to NPO Assignment Infotype (IT3344) - Position Occupancy Detail, related to the implementation of the managed mobility. These changes affect all PAs that have IT3344 as part of their infogroup. 

Position Occupancy Detail is an enhanced configuration necessitated by the implementation of Managed mobility (ref. Section 15.2 of ST/AI/2016/1 dated 28 December 2015 on Staff selection and managed mobility system). The objective of this enhancement is to provide a way to record staff members' position occupancy durations, which will be one of the key factors in determination of staff members' participation in managed mobility. 

IT 3344 is part of the infogroup when processing a good number of HR PAs, namely onboarding (initial appointment, reappointment, reinstatement), permanent movement (reassignment, transfer, promotion) temporary movement (assignment including temporary grade, temporary promotion, interagency loan), loan w/in Umoja entities and secondment, contract extension/renewal, modify post incumbency, special leave without pay, or separation.
The Position Occupancy detail is a new mandatory section in the NPO Assignment infotype (IT3344) in Umoja's PA module specifically designed to record how the current movement affects the position occupancy limit for purposes of implementation of managed mobility.

 Position Occupancy Clock - This field is used to specify how the current movement affects the position occupancy duration. Available values:

  • Reset
  • Resume/Continue - When this option is chosen, the Position Occupancy Number field (containing the Umoja generated number created to track assignments) becomes active for selection. Click on the dropdown selection icon on the same field to display a pop-up window displaying all previous IT3344's Position occupancies, if any, together with the movement type (PM, TA, SL, etc.), and the Start and Expiration date of the period, plus the duration (in months & days).
  • Suspend
  • Not applicable

INTTRK-10425 (24 February)
Position Status is an enhanced configuration necessitated by the implementation of Managed mobility (ref. Section 15.2 of ST/AI/2016/1 dated 28 December 2015 on Staff selection and managed mobility system).

1. This new field is a new attribute specifically for Position object in Umoja’s OM module
2. The field’s value is stored in Infotype 1081 (UN Position Attributes)
3. This field is optional
4. Both Budget Administrators and OM Administrators have access/means to update this attribute
5. In both the Create Position and Maintain Position (function/option: Position Status) forms, Budget Administrators and OM Administrators have the following options from which to select for the Position Status field:

  • <Blank>, the default, renders the position subject to managed mobility;
  • Non-rotational - a position that requires an advanced or specialized level of expertise, knowledge and qualifications in a technical field and for which there is no comparable position at the same level in another organizational unit of the Secretariat, as approved by the Assistant Secretary-General of Human Resources Management;
  • Downsizing – a position scheduled to be abolished within the current budget period in a mission, project, department or office that is downsizing.

6. All existing positions will be assigned the default value (i.e. <Blank>) on 17 February 2017 when the solution goes into production
7. This attribute’s value for the corresponding positions created/maintained by Budget or OM Administrators will be transported to Inspira through an automatic interface and appear in appropriate OM ECC reports.

INTTRK-12467 (1 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-IM-1-4647288719
The sender email address of Personnel Action email notification has been changed to 

INTTRK-12532 (10 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-IM-1-4678746851
In IT0006, when users had entered zip code 46176 under Indiana, they had been receiving error message “invalid for selected state”. Table V_T5UZC has now been updated with the correct zip code for Indiana, resolving the issue.

HR: PY - Payroll

INTTRK-12458 (3 March)
WO/CCBREQ# IM-1-4657045980    
When calculation of rental subsidy amount is not possible due to the rental threshold amount being greater than the max rent, the standard report HUNURSC0 reports zero amounts in all fields. 

Now all the fields used in the calculation will be displayed in the form so the user can see how the zero amounts for the subsidy was determined. 

HR: PY – Payroll, FI: TR - Treasury and Cash Management

INTTRK-12461 (3 March)
WO/CCBREQ# IM-1-4665214088    
Update of payroll house bank determination to reflect the new banking arrangement for Afghanistan. 

HR: SS - End User Service Delivery

INTTRK-9032 (2 March)
Reason for the enhanced configuration: 
Values of the coding block objects used in the allotments may change over time. Consequently, Position Funding Extension does not always entail use of the same funding/coding block. To enable change in funding, Position Funding Modify and Extend has been configured.

General rules in fund modification:
(i) Modification of the current funding is permitted before its expiry date;
(ii) Modification of existing funding can never be before the 1st of the current month;
(iii) If a position is unfunded, a new funding source can be applied retroactively after the end date of the previous funding line;
(iv) No gap between the current/old funding period and the new funding period;
(v) When applying a new funding source, previous funding information will be delimited on the date prior to the  start date of the new funding information;
(vi) New end date should not cross budget periods;
(vii) Positions with different funding sources may be changed in mass mode, but only a single identical coding block can be included in the same request since different coding blocks may have different certifying officers.

Encumbered positions in individual mode:
(viii) The modification start date can be the 1st of the current month provided payroll has not  run yet;
(ix) If payroll has already run, the modification start date must be the first of the following month or after.

INTTRK-12598 (17 March)
This enhancement will enable the loan between countries in the OM portal, as long as the position is within the same Department.

HR: TM - Time Management

INTTRK-12416 (24 February)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-RFS-1-4644377289, WO-RFS-1-4641571639    
Holiday Calendar 2017 for Washington DC with floating holiday 
Change to Holiday Calendar 2017 for Ain Ziouani - Occupied Territories

INTTRK-12415 (3 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-IM-1-4638004384, WO-RFS-1-4646357179
New part timework schedules for Geneva, Switzerland 
a) WS Rule PT8A - 80% 
Mon, Tues, Fri Full Day 
Wed, Thurs AM 

b) WS rule PT5AMF- 50% 
Mon, Tues, Wed AM, 
Thurs Full Day

INTTRK-12512 (17 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-RFS-1-4672843566, WO-RFS-1-4672843129, WO-IM-1-4631774851
Three new Normal Work Schedules for ESCWA:
NORM6 - 8:00 - 15:30 
NORM7 - 8:30 - 16:00 
NORM8 - 9:00 - 16:30 

Changes to Holiday Calendar 2017 for Tunisia 

Part Time Work Schedule (80%) for Sudan 
SD03 - Su-Th 0900-1530 6h

INTTRK-12459 (17 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-IM-1-4601719215
In the Time Management leave balance overview, when a floating holiday is approved for a future date, it was not reflected in the future deduction column. This has now been fixed.

IN: SY - Security

INTTRK-12421 (10 March)
Users who administer Consignment Stocks can now use the t-code MB58 to get a list of materials under consignment by customer for each plant. This t-code is available with the Material Management Common Display role.

SC: SA - Source to Acquire

INTTRK-12031 (24 February)
Integration elements between Procurement and Asset Master Record (AMR), for update of AMR "Time-Dependent Data" (Account Assignment) have been adjusted on 18 February 2017, in order to ensure that correct attributes and values for "WBS Element (Costs)" and "Internal Order" are transferred from Approved Purchase Orders and written into related Asset Master Records. 

This update was necessary due to the changes implemented on 23 December 2016 that enabled required Fixed Assets / Grants Managemnt Integration for Cost Recovery.

INTTRK-12510 (15 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-IM-1-4560800138
Update to the GL Account for Assets defined for the product category Buses from Light Wheeled Vehicles to Heavy Wheeled Vehicles to match the definition in Galileo.

INTTRK-12388 (17 March)
WO/CCBREQ# WO-IM-1-4260847070
This update resolves 2 issues in the PO Printed Form: (1) Total Amount in the PO Line for free item (Price=0) should be printed as zero (Amount=0); (2) Fractional digits for PO values are not fixed 2 decimals but should follow currency’s characteristic, i.e. USD has 2 decimals, JPY has none, KWD has 3 decimals.