Umoja Performance Monitoring: Live for Regular Budget Operations

Organizational performance monitoring is now available in Umoja for Regular Budget operations.
This module went live on 31 January 2020, allowing UN entities to record and monitor progress towards achieving results and completing deliverables defined in their programme plan, or the Annual Results Framework, as it is called in Umoja.
The new module is part of the Strategic Management Application (SMA), a key component of the Umoja Extension 2 “Strategic Planning, Budgeting and Performance Management solution”.
This solution is an important enabler of the management reform, to support the Secretary-General’s vision of empowering managers and staff while increasing transparency, and providing greater effectiveness and strengthened accountability, thereby improving on the delivery of our mandates.
The Strategic Management Application provides real-time insight into results-based management through its ability to facilitate all Secretariat offices and entities in planning, implementing, monitoring and reporting on programmatic goals and deliverables.
For the first time, a single, integrated solution now comprises strategy definition, performance monitoring, and performance dashboards as an end-to-end mechanism for the UN’s strategic planning and management.
The module supports programme planning, monitoring and performance management requirements for both peacekeeping budget (Results-Based Budgeting Framework) and for the regular budget (Annual Results Frameworks).
To support budgetary and programme reporting requirements, the SMA Performance Monitoring module serves as a continuous assessment tool, providing programme managers the ability to proactively track and record up-to-date progress toward achieving results and completing deliverables.
Managers should now leverage this tool to monitor programme delivery and resource consumption, relative to their plans and budgets as both programmatic and financial data are now captured in one solution, in real time.
Umoja now facilitates visibility and analysis of the alignment of financial and physical progress, and visualizing the links between an entity’s work and the larger mandates of the Organization. This acquires greater significance in the current context of recurring liquidity crises, where programme delivery is increasingly constrained by liquidity.
Training on all UE2 solutions, including the Performance Monitoring Application for regular budget, is available on the iLearn Umoja e-learning platform. Please login using Unite Identity username and password.
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