Umoja launches Performance Dashboard for all Secretariat Entities

On 29 May, the Umoja team - in close collaboration with the Office of Programme Planning, Finance and Budget in the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance - deployed the Umoja Performance Dashboard for all entities across the UN Secretariat.
The Performance Dashboard is a key component of the Umoja Extension 2 Strategic Planning, Budgeting and Performance Management (SPPM) solution, combining strategic plan and programme performance with budget consumption and post incumbency data in a user-friendly interface.
The Performance Dashboard provides a holistic view of the programme plan (also known as Annual Results Framework in Umoja) for Regular Budget, and Results-Based Budgeting Frameworks for Peacekeeping Missions and Support Account Budgets.
It marks the first time that mandated programmes and related results are linked with their associated human and financial resources.
Entities funded from the Regular Budget, as well as the Support Account Budget, can easily switch between the two funding sources. The Performance Dashboard currently presents only information related to Regular Budget and PK Budgets. Other types of funding (voluntary contributions and cost recovery) will be added to future releases.
Linking resources to programme delivery (i.e. results) is an important part of the Management Reform and the Secretary-General’s commitment to transparency and accountability.
The Performance Dashboard achieves such a link and enables programme managers to systematically capture results in an enterprise solution at any frequency of their choice or when milestones are achieved.
It helps managers align resource consumption with the progress of programme implementation, and leverage enterprise-wide data standards to easily visualize the link between their entity’s work and the mandates of the Organization.
These links acquire greater significance when programmes have to compete for scarce liquidity, through more compelling narratives of the impact of cash shortages on mandate implementation.
Training on all Umoja Extension 2 solutions, including the Performance Dashboard, is available on the iLearn Umoja e-learning platform. Please log in using your Unite Identity username and password.
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