The New Umoja Academy

The Umoja Training Team has revised and streamlined the Umoja Academy Local Process Expert Integrated Programmes and the certification process. The re-designed curriculum supports the LPEs and experienced transactional users to expand their knowledge and skills utilizing Umoja.
The programme builds LPEs capacity as Tier 0 or 2B support by focusing on end-to-end processes, integration with other module areas, reporting, trouble-shooting and creating effective iNeed tickets. The curriculum forges synergies among functional areas to reinforce skills across modules.
The following LPE Integrated Programmes are part of the current curriculum:
1. Non- staff Administration and Travel
2. Funds Management
3. Grants and Project Management with touch points on FM and FI
4. Services delivery including Property management and cost allocations and cost recovery
5. Financial Accounting and Grants Accounting
6. Source to Acquire and Logistics execution
7. Business Intelligence Train the Trainer
8. Organizational Management and Human resources with touch points in payroll
The first four programmes are currently being piloted in New York up until 10 June 2016. The fifth programme will be held in ECA starting 20 June and in New York starting 29 August. The target is to train up to 15 LPEs per track within each programme. Each training programme lasts approximately 10 days.
“The new Academy training is very hands on,” said Umoja Training Coordinator, Ms. Airyn Carlin. “We foster group work by enabling discussions around existing pain points, common issues and resolution of common cases such as running and analyzing existing BI and ECC reports.” She also acknowledged that “the streamlined curriculum was made possible because of the dedication of the Umoja training team as well as support from the Umoja functional teams and Process Experts.”
In order to become fully certified in each functional area, Academy participants need to pass 3 assessments: written, practical and a trouble-shooting open book assessments. All elements of the test are covered in the training.
Contact us by email at for more information on dates and admissions requirements.