
28 November 2018

The Secretary-General’s management reform agenda “envisions a United Nations that empowers managers and staff, simplifies processes, increases accountability and transparency and improves on the delivery of mandates.” The new UE2 Strategic Planning, Budgeting and Performance Management (SPPM) solution will provide capability to achieve this vision.

06 November 2018

As part of the November payroll processing, specific Umoja Employee Self-Service functionalities will be unavailable during the dates listed below.

23 October 2018

Software upgrades have become part of our daily routines, from our mobile devices to personal computers. Umoja is no exception.

The first version of Umoja went live in 2013 in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. In technology years, that’s a long time.

11 October 2018

Umoja's Strategic Planning, Budget Formulation and Performance Management solution will be launched to 13 peacekeeping missions and two service centres in October.

11 September 2018

As part of the September payroll processing, specific Umoja Employee Self-Service functionalities will be unavailable during the dates listed below. Additional information is available on iSeek.    
For the month of September 2018, the following ESS/MSS freeze schedule will be in effect:

15 August 2018

As part of the August payroll processing, specific Umoja Employee Self-Service functionalities will be unavailable during the dates listed below. Additional information is available on iSeek.    

For the month of August 2018, the following ESS/MSS freeze schedule will be in effect:

25 June 2018

We are pleased to announce, that, as part of continuous improvements, the Umoja Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) and Portal systems will be upgraded effective 30 July 2018.

05 June 2018

The 2018 Annual Insurance Campaign for staff around the world eligible for the UNHQ and UNOG Health Insurance Programmes will be held during the entire month of June 2018.  

The Annual Insurance Campaign is the yearly opportunity for those eligible for an insurance plan sponsored by UNHQ or UNOG to review and make desired changes in accordance with plan rules.