Week Two | 11-17 September 2017 |
1. Rate of processing BOFs has significantly increased, reflecting further progress in user adoption of the new ways of working.
2. More mission staff processed their respective transactions in Umoja. Increase in participation of users in ramp-up activities.
3. There are no specific iNeed tickets created by missions, due to mission staff involvement in work of the Hubs. However, the Hub team has issued 5 work orders with Umoja to address a few issues related to data enrichment and system behavior.
1. Material Master has multifaceted impacts ranging from creation of shopping carts and receiving goods from converted POs, to day-to-day operation of material transfer and issuing goods.
- During the cut-over, a mitigation plan was put in place to block 40,000 materials (expendables). With the ramp-up progress, the process of individual material analysis became very time consuming. Ramp-up team together with MDM team are taking further steps to speed up the process for missions
- New materials creation process faces challenges of capturing granularities. For example, efforts of creating new materials in line with expectations for Phase 2
- Impact of not processing Goods Receipt due to POs with incorrect materials may have an impact on vendor payments. Ramp-up teams are prioritizing mitigation solutions for these materials
2. Processing Virtual Goods Receipt
- Technical bug was identified. It limits automatic creation of inbound delivery documents. Umoja team is addressing the technical issue at the moment. Manual process was put in place to process virtual goods receipt
3. PO for consumption vs inventory
- Missions have been instructed to requisition everything for inventory. This follows the practice that was in place during Galileo
4. Requisitioner role S.A.02 can been granted to UNVs
- Many missions requested that this role is granted to UNV staff, who are instrumental in generating requisitions for inventory. OCSS/PD has approved this change.
5. Equipment Record Issue
- Issue of the serial number not available for equipment migrated to Umoja. Services Delivery team is developing a program to perform a mass update of equipment records. Missions instructed to hold on processing any BOFs related update equipment record.
6. Creation of mini master/BP for non-staff that will be issued equipment
- There is an ongoing discussion between the directors of FPD and LSD. The two need to come to an agreed process for generating profiles for non-staff in Umoja, so that non-staff could be assign equipment

Week One | 5-10 September 2017 |
1. Go-live event – wide participation across missions
2. Staff in all missions are engaged with teams through ramp-up hubs and local situation rooms
3. Many missions have completed or about to complete the first major task of Ramp-up – Good Receipt
1. Total 16 hours of continuous available support per day through multiple time zones
2. Daily VTC with missions
3. Process focus: goods receipt, equipment update, physical/virtual goods, put away
1. Role mapping: many missions are realizing post go-live their needs and mapping requirements
2. Black out Forms processing
- High number ~ 3500+
- Inaccurate data requiring revisions
3. Information Overload – causing critical items to fall through cracks
4. Incorrect raising of Shopping Carts due to change form Consumption to Inventory