
This form allows you to search or browse Umoja acronyms and terminology.

deck.memory.duration = 0
cloak.memory.duration = 0
cloak.toggle.type = text

Enter a term or acronym

(example: "ERP", "Asset")

def queryBits = '$query'.split()
def queryPattern = $exact ? ('$query'=~/\s+/).replaceAll('\\\\s+') : '('+'$query'.split().join('|')+')'

def sqlQuery = """
{sql-query:dataSource=happyclap|showsql=false|output=html|noDataMessage=No terms match your search}
select term as "Term", definition as "Definition" from umojakeyterminology 
where term ~* '.*${queryPattern}.*'

println sqlQuery

List Alphabetically

def alphabet = 'A'..'Z'
  def tabs = ''
  for (l in alphabet) {
    tabs += """
h3. ${l}
{sql-query:dataSource=happyclap|noDataMessage=There are no terms starting with '${l}'}
select term as "Term", definition as "Definition" from umojakeyterminology
where term ~* '^${l}' order by upper(Term)
  println tabs