News Article

22 April 2020

Organizational performance monitoring is now available in Umoja for Regular Budget operations.

This module went live on 31 January 2020, allowing UN entities to record and monitor progress towards achieving results and completing deliverables defined in their programme plan, or the Annual Results Framework, as it is called in Umoja.

28 February 2020

Umoja Mobile is now available to all UN Secretariat staff across the globe, including peacekeeping and special political missions, following the earlier deployments in 2019.  

Umoja Mobile delivers a personalized and simplified user experience. It can be used across all devices (mobile phones, tablets, notebooks and desktops).

24 January 2020

In December, Umoja deployed the Extension 2 Implementing Partner Management/Grantor Management module to all Secretariat entities which work with implementing partners or issue grants to an entity.

This implementation followed successful deployments to UNMAS, UNEP, and UN-Habitat in December 2018, and OCHA in November 2019.