Boarding expenses can be admissible on exceptional basis when a child attends an educational institution beyond commuting distance from the area where the staff member is serving and in the opinion of the Secretary-General, no school in the area will be suitable for the child.
In most cases, when the child is studying in the country of the duty station, no matter how far, boarding and travel expenses are not admissible under the education grant entitlements.
The amount of the grant to be paid will be prorated. The modalities for prorating the amount of the education grant are described in the relevant administrative instructions listed on the Education Grant HR Factsheet and found in the HR Handbook.
For internationally-recruited staff, the danger pay allowance is currently US$1,600 per month.
The International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) decided to discontinue what was known as hazard pay and institute danger pay. The purpose remains the same—to compensate staff members for working under extremely difficult and dangerous conditions.
The International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) is responsible for authorizing which duty stations hazard pay applies to. The authorization is normally for a period of up to three months at a time and subject to ongoing review.
Determination to renew or extend a contract is made by the manager based on the operational needs of the Organization and performance of the staff member. In exceptional circumstances, contracts may be extended solely for administrative reasons, i.e.
An initial temporary appointment is granted for up to 364 days. It may, however, be extended for up to 729 days, if warranted by operational needs related to field operations and/or special projects.
There is no limitation to the number of times a fixed-term appointment may be renewed. Each new fixed-term appointment can be granted for a period of up to five years.
Yes, if they have been authorized to proceed on travel involving relocation on initial appointment, assignment or transfer they may receive an assignment grant with the amount of the grant differing depending on the type of appointment held and the length of appointment.