Glossary of Terms commençant par S

Click one of the letters above to go to the page of all terms beginning with that letter.

SAP Business Warehouse - a model-driven data warehousing product based on the SAP NetWeaver ABAP platform. It collects, transforms and stores data generated in SAP and non-SAP applications and make it accessible through built-in reporting, business intelligence and analytics tools, as well as third-party software. (Source: SAP)


Supply chain management is the broad range of activities required to plan, control and execute a product's flow, from acquiring raw materials and production through distribution to the final customer, in the most streamlined and cost-effective way possible.

SCOR Model

Supply Chain Operations Reference Model - A management tool used to address, improve, and communicate supply chain management decisions within a company and with suppliers and customers of a company.


Statement of Work is a commonly used document in the field of project management. It defines project-specific activities, deliverables and timelines for a vendor. The SOW also includes detailed requirements and pricing, with standard regulatory and governance terms and conditions.


Special Political Mission


Strategic Project Oversight Committee


Strategic Planning and Performance Management


Surface Transport


Inter or intra Mission transfer of goods