Umoja Release Note: 01 August – 31 August 2019
Umoja Release Note # 2019-067
For the period 01 August – 31 August 2019
Umoja System Changes
CS > CS - Central Support Services Other
RFC- 6200000840 (23 Aug)
External Reference WO-RFS-1-5540807009
This ticket is to fix issues of User to Enterprise Role Mapping Without WF/UAP report.
CS > TV - Travel Management
RFC-6100000383 (30 Aug)
External Reference N/A
Some issues were reported about cities not getting synced because DSS changed the size of the city ID and now it is 6 instead of 5 characters. Some cities using 6 characters were not being synced in Umoja. This is now fixed by increasing the number of character to at least 6 characters.
RFC-6100000202 (23 Aug)
External Reference N/A
A box is added for TPO to enter the amount of cost savings to the Organization when users select YES to 'Voluntary Downgrade'. The system will capture this data in BI similar to how it is captured and reported for the Exception Cost for the upgrade to accommodation. The heading is labeled as 'Downgrade Savings'.
RFC-6100000133 (30 Aug)
External Reference CCBREQ-6611
When TPOs completely cancel TRs that were subject to the cost recovery scheme, the cost recovery fee ($40) will not be liquidated now.
RFC-6100000125 (23 Aug)
External Reference CCBREQ-6192, WO-RFS-1-4063256031
This request is for all payments automatically blocked by the travel module to be blocked with "T" which will provide a clear indication to users that this is an automatic block that requires action under the form of a review. Payment Block T (Troops) has never been used and is now renamed for "Travel". Previously, the travel module uses payment block B, which is a manual block and does not help users identify the source of the block, when blocking TA and TI documents that require review by the AP User.
This request is also to change the automatic payment block R on travel agent invoices to use payment block T = Travel, which will allow payment block to be used exclusively for MIR7 invoices that have a quantity issue.
FI > AP - Accounts Payable
RFC-6100000615 (9 Aug)
External Reference WO-RFS-1-7032443870, WO-RFS-1-7174243140
New payment terms have been requested and added:
Z079 Payment Term for 0.25% if paid within 30 days
Z080 Payment Term for 0.30% if paid within 30 days
Z081 Payment Term for 0.6% if paid within 30 days
Z082 Payment Term for 2.5% if paid within 30 days
Z083 Payment Term for 3.0% if paid within 7 days
FI > BD - Budget Formulation
RFC-6200000690 (9 Aug)
External Reference N/A
To save and report position vacancy rates, the existing dimension JOB_CODE is updated by adding PARENTH4.
RFC-6100000677 (29 Aug)
External Reference N/A
This is to update BPC technical role ZWDS:FI:ZZ:BPC_DSP in P1W, in order to give display access to ZBD* InfoObject.
RFC-6100000670 (22 Aug)
External Reference N/A
T-code SM30 is added to BPC Admin Role.
RFC-6100000659 (19 Aug)
External Reference N/A
BPC “RPOSAB RECON POS TO SUM Report” is moved to Production.
RFC-6100000655 (16 Aug)
External Reference N/A
This is to provide the latest forms and Script Logic for POSITION Model:
RFC-6100000649 (22 Aug)
External Reference N/A
This is to add two new middle nodes in dimension JOB_CODE for H4 hierarchy to include interpreters.
RFC-6100000642 (13 Aug)
External Reference N/A
BPC Objects are moved into Production:
- actl_cost_hr999_conr
- Budget_BASELINE_COST.lgf
RFC-6100000639 (28 Aug)
External Reference N/A
This is to update existing logic to create all the commitment items in GRP_BPC_MAS01 even if there is no corresponding material or service in ECC.
RFC-6100000624 (15 Aug)
External Reference N/A
This is to resolve performance issues which were facing in the original design of RPOS Detail Planning Form.
RFC-6100000622 (15 Aug)
External Reference N/A
This is to develop RPOS34 POSITON COST Report to list previously approved and proposed costs.
RFC-6100000452 (15 Aug)
External Reference N/A
In RPOS34, when a user selects the cost object to maintain Vacancy Rate. These rates will need to be captured on the ENTITY (Property Value) maintained in the RATE_ENTITY_VAC property based on the cost object selection.
RFC-6100000435 (15 Aug)
External Reference N/A
This is to create new cost and rate audit trails similar to the current cost and rate items and to create a specific logic script to calc Representation Allowance. Users would now have Representation Allowance automatically calculated for them, based on headcount and standard cost loaded. This cost will also go to the Summary model upon saving.
FI > CN - Financial Consolidations
RFC-6200000657 (20 Aug)
External Reference WO-RFS-1-7075633990
GL 35301010 is added to the line where H1_ta1100xx is. This is to reflect the accurate balance of the cash and cash equivalents.
RFC-6200000620 (20 Aug)
External Reference WO-RFS-1-7075633944
This is to add the fund group T10510 - After Service Employee Benefits to R090-INVESTMENT report. Apart from the Trust Funds and Insurance workers’ compensation funds, the group T10510 - After Service Employee Benefits is added.
FI > FI - Finance Other
RFC-6200000881 (30 Aug)
External Reference N/A
This is to change FY attribute type from “Measure” to “attribute”.
RFC-6200000721 (9 Aug)
External Reference CCBREQ-4370
New SKF upload T-code is added in Technical Role ZEFP:CS:SD:PRC_COND_MNT which is only included in Enterprise Role SD.07 Services_Delivery: Master_Data_Maintainer to mainstream the mass update of Statistical Key Figures to the Finance Master Data Team.
FI > FM - Budget Implementation (Funds Mgmt)
RFC-6100000593 (9 Aug)
External Reference CCBREQ-6221
Further changes have been made to BI reports (Annex II report in FM PK):
1. From the list of Active missions (shown under “Active Missions” tab as well as “All” tab, UNOCI and UNMIL are deleted as these are no longer active.
2. When exported to Excel, the print layout was not set up well. Now, it will only show the relevant screens (print selection) and have a page break after each mission.
3. “Support Account for PK Ops” tab was missing the name in the header. This is now fixed.
4. There were inconsistencies in the upper/lower case used in the categories. “Consultants and consulting services”, “Ground transportation”, “Marine operations”, “Communication and information technology” are now consistent.
FI > GM - Grants Management
RFC-6200000844 (2 Aug)
External Reference N/A
A change was recently moved in the GMIDCPOST program as part of the Grantor module, a small calculation mistake caused the transactions posted already against the Pass through grants to reverse. This led to the transfer of cash from the support funds back to the Grants and Trust funds and will cause a cash issue to the 62 series support funds. This ticket corrected the calculation and re-execution of the GMIDCPOST will correct the transactions.
RFC-6200000628 (2 Aug)
External Reference N/A
In the previous version of the Grants Management Pledge report, only the document types DC and DZ were considered Collections. It was missing the Document Type ZR, which should also be considered as a Collection. With this change, the two key figures of the BEX Query ZZAR_CP01_Q0001 are modified (Collections and Pledges) in order to apply the correction.
RFC-6200000315 (30 Aug)
External Reference CCBREQ-6018, WO-RFS-1-5222177596
GL 74172010 OE Consulting Service Individual Travel is mapped to Commitment Item 74172010 which is mapped to Budget Class FT30_CLASS_010 Staff Personnel instead of FT30_CLASS_160 Travel.
In order to incorporate the trip number as an available field for the trip and subsequent follow on processing transactions, the following technical conclusions have been drawn:
BADI ‘BADI_GMDERIVE’ can be used to read the trip number from the coding block(COBL structure) and passed on to the user field in GMDERIVE structure for the Sponsored class derivation.
RFC-6200000763 (9 Aug)
External Reference N/A
In the Tab “Collections” of the GM Pledge Report, the “ZR” documents were not included, which produced a lack of reconciliation between the first two Tabs and the Collections tab. The solution is to change the filters in the Table of the Collections Tab to include the "ZR" document types.
RFC-6100000473 (23 Aug)
External Reference WO-IM-1-7080996117
This request is for a BP display transaction to be added to the existing role [FM.10] that would limit the display to the following BP groups (i.e. third party BP groups):
Z011-Member State;
Z012-Non Member State;
Z013-Govt. & Local Authorities;
Z014-UN Agency Fund Programme;
Z015-NGO & Intergovernmental.
FI > GR - Grantor Management
RFC-6100000403 (23 Aug)
External Reference N/A
A new Grantor CRM workflow utility is being requested to manage specifics scenarios, while SAP does have standard tcodes like SWPR to re-start workflow after error.
But in the UN's case, we are requesting the utility to complete the existing error workflow and start a new one.
The errors could happen when:
• Proper attributes are not maintained in the service org.
• Agent assignment is wrongly done.
Since these errors are more technical in nature, analysis is needed and after successful maintenance of the attributes in the service organization, e to re-trigger the workflow.
The work is also technical in nature as it needs the GUID/Business object of the document to be inserted into the container element. The proposed utility will be more user-friendly and avoid mistakes when having to analyze and work with the aforementioned items.
FI > TR - Treasury and Cash Management
RFC-6100000632 (16 Aug)
External Reference WO- RFS-1-7230961864
A new House Bank account (Germany) is configured in Umoja.
RFC-6100000629 (16 Aug)
External Reference WO-RFS-1-7111801687, WO-RFS-1- 7203201185, WO-RFS-1- 7178193037
New House Bank accounts (Cambodia, Iran, Netherland) are configured in Umoja.
HR > BN - Benefits
RFC-6200000750 (9 Aug)
External Reference WO-RFS-1-7090840616
Mapping was missing for the steps 98/99 causing errors in UNJSPF Common HR Interface. This is now fixed by adding missing entries to the mapping table T7UNPF_HR_CATM.
HR > CT - Central Master Tables
RFC-6200000914 (30 Aug)
External Reference WO-RFS-1-7291802842
The amount of Danger pay provided by HR and recorded in T510 was monthly. However, the table requires an annual amount. Therefore, it is corrected by updating T510 records indicating the annual amount.
RFC-6200000863 (9 Aug)
External Reference N/A
The maintenance view is created to update the ICSC URLs.
RFC-6200000862 (9 Aug)
External Reference WO-RFS-1-7244803273
Interpreter and Translator rates effective 1 July 2019 is updated in production in time for August 2019 payroll.
RFC-6200000856 (9 Aug)
External Reference WO-RFS-1-7236488640
The automated tool cannot be used as the effective date of this is before the effective date of the most recent record in T7unpad_ds1p. The R&R cycle for Khartoum (Effective on 03.06.2019) and Port Sudan d/s are updated.
RFC-6200000804 (9 Aug)
External Reference WO-RFS-1-7202748506
Norway GS salary scale revision 10 is updated in Production so the salary scales for 2016, 2017 and 2018 can be created and updated.
HR > EN - Entitlements
RFC-6200000891 (23 Aug)
External Reference N/A
On 21 August 2019 DMSPC-OHR-GSPD-Localsalaries issues a corrigendum to Revised Rates for Short-term Conference Interpreters, effective 1 July 2019. This correction is issued to rectify a rounding error for the applicable New York rates. All other rates remain unchanged.
RFC-6200000852 (9 Aug)
External Reference N/A
The URL used to access ICSC d/s attributes data is adjusted to https to enforced security.
HR > HR - Human Resources Other
RFC-6200000917 (30 Aug)
External Reference N/A
Adjustments have been made to ZHR_Staffing report as requested:
1. Employee subgroup is added
2. Adjustment is made to SLWOP days
3. Separate Length of Service is filed into years, months and days
RFC-6100000560 (23 Aug)
External Reference WO-RFS-1-6885377704
The WebI "Trial Balance Leading Ledger Report" is scheduled in order to automatically run on a daily basis. For the report to correctly run in the new year without manually modifying the Period parameter, this parameter is now optional (previously it was mandatory) so that the report may always retrieve the latest data irrespective of the period.
HR > OM - Organization Management
RFC-6200000899 (30 Aug)
External Reference WO-IM-1-6559699637
Incorrect manager information was found in IT3344. Manager info in IT3344 is based on the staff’s IT0001’s org unit (PA0001-ORGEH) -> find out the chief relationship (012) in OM module and from there, return the incumbent of the position which has chief relationship. Fixes have been made to the logic.
HR > PA - Personnel Administration including Workforce
RFC-6200000911 (28 Aug)
External Reference N/A
The HR requires a staffing report to show seniority express in years and months and its calculation should exclude periods of special leave without pay. A new calculated field is added in the staffing report and users will be able to extract staff members that have been in the organization a certain number of years.
HR > TM - Time Management
RFC-6100000646 (23 Aug)
External Reference WO-IM-1-7246690044
Holiday Calendars in Entebbe, Armenia, Baghdad are updated to generate work schedules.
RFC-6100000572 (23 Aug)
External Reference WO-IM-1-7173297151, WO-RFS-1-7174723943, WO-IM-1-7211050934
New part-time work schedule, 50% MF full Tuesday am is created as requested by UNOG.
Work schedule rule Summer Hours for Security Staff is updated as requested by UNOV.
Part-Time Work Schedule for Tokyo is created as requested by UNOG.
IN > BW - Business Warehouse
RFC-6200000889 (30 Aug)
External Reference N/A
WBSE field is now included in the existing report "ZZAP_CP02_R0001" as requested by users.
RFC-6200000310 (16 Aug)
External Reference WO-IM-1-6380267612
An issue of blank values for the field ZJOBNTWRK in HRPOSITION master data occurred due to incorrect start routine in the transformation TRCS ZHRPOSITION_ATTR_HRP1001_FN -> IOBJ 0HRPOSITION.
The correction has been made in the routine to ensure correct data is being loaded for job network.
RFC-6200000815 (9 Aug)
External Reference N/A
BODS job triggers the procedure "DATA_SAP"."dw.model.model-data.control.procedure::ETL_SP_Load_GDP_Tables" but was failing to load data to store table due to string aggregation logic present in the procedure. The procedure is now modified. After concatenation, only the first 5000 characters will be concatenated.
RFC-6200000637 (19 Aug)
External Reference WO-IM-1-6955071514
In Source to Acquire data source ZZSC_M02_R0001 Requisitions Analysis Area, there is a date characteristic labeled Item Approval Date (technical name ZITM_APDT). Approval date was bringing incorrect data in the reports. This is now fixed.
IN > IN - Integrated Components Other
RFC-6100000366 (2 Aug)
External Reference CCBREQ-6769
As per memo issued by Chef de Cabinet dated 8 April 2019, approval was provided for the acronym change of United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction from UNISDR to UNDRR. This is now updated through configuration.
IN > SM - Solution Manager
RFC-6200000274 (23 Aug)
External Reference N/A
This is to continue ChaRM Report/Dashboard Fiori development.
IN - IN > SY - Security
RFC-6200000878 (30 Aug)
External Reference N/A
Get to Green Security Tasks are recommended by SAP Security Optimization Service and Early Watch Alert Service Reports, as well as OIOS Audit findings. In these changes went to Production, user authorization has been updated in P1E and P1R.
RFC-6200000865 (9 Aug)
External Reference N/A
Further technical roles have been added to give the ability to administer all user groups in P1C.
RFC-6100000366 (2 Aug)
External Reference N/A
Changes have been addressed according to the acronym change from UNISDR to UNDRR:
1. Role Change
2. UAM load/change for existing users
3. Provide input for role guide/workbook update
PP > PG - Programme Management
RFC-6200000695 (30 Aug)
External Reference N/A
This is SMA version 1.1.11, including bug fixes/minor enhancements:
FIOR-1561: This fixed the error of the wrong categorization of deliverables
FIOR-1625: Target values for Deliverables within an Annual Results Framework now accept up to two decimals.
FIOR-1660: The fields 'Baseline/Prior Period Target' and 'Current Period Actual' were had been added to the strategy type 'Annual Peacekeeping Framework' within the last release. This change is to ensure that the labels for these new fields display the correct PK period.
FIOR-1666: User can see the entered value of Short Name/Number in edit and details screen of Indicators of Achievement.
FIOR-1618: User can update remark field with new values, including blanks. Each time system will save the latest values.
FIOR-1585: While changing the strategy back to draft, the system gives the warning message if monitoring data exist for that strategy.
FIOR-1586: This change ensures that strategies in 'Approved' status cannot be modified in the Strategy Definition app, and strategies in any status cannot be modified in the Strategy Viewer and Strategy Approval apps.
FIOR-1595: This will prevent editing strategies after they are approved.
FIOR-1610: Even if the user refreshes the Output screen of a PK frameworks, the Responsible Section and Responsible Officer values will remain there.
FIOR-1611: When updating the Budget Section of an Annual Results Framework, the Budget Part is now automatically updated even before pressing the Save button.
FIOR-1633: Tiles of Fiori apps that are not optimized for use in a mobile device will be hidden.
SC > LE - Logistics Execution
RFC-6100000607 (9 Aug)
External Reference WO-RFS-1-7192849799
Configuration of two new Storage types (004 and 005) and 19 Storage sections under WH K06-UNAMID - ZALINGEI W1 (Plant SD10) has been made.
SC > MM - Materials Management
RFC-6100000488 (23 Aug)
External Reference WO-IM-1-7138639319
Material Master Team will have new fields available for maintenance in transaction MM17 ( Mass Maintenance Materials).
RFC-6100000453 (30 Aug)
External Reference N/A
Transaction code MM04 ( Display Changes of Materials) is added to enterprise role ROLE:SUPPORT:TECHNICAL: PROCESS_EXPERT_VIEW_1 in order to provide TPE ( Process Expert ) users to display material master data changelogs.
RFC-6100000363 (30 Aug)
External Reference WO-IM-1-7078096558
Added a new validation which will display an error message if a Goods Receipt Document is created after the Purchase Order has been liquidated.
The change impacts Goods Receipts documents created using the TCODE MIGO.
The error message ‘Delivery Indicator is set for the purchase order item’ is displayed and will prevent the creation of the Goods Receipt Document.
SC > PM - Plant Maintenance
RFC-6200000756 (30 Aug)
External Reference N/A
This is to fix an issue in GDP Reports 11 and 21, the below HANA view and Table Function have been modified:
RFC-6200000732 (30 Aug)
External Reference N/A
The following HANA object is moved to Production: GDP_TF_RU_FACT_AGEING_STOCK to change the way the system status is retrieved.
RFC-6200000545 (2 Aug)
External Reference N/A
The Table Function "GDP_TF_RU_FACT_DISCREPANCY_RECONCILIATION" was changed because one of the changelogs used to retrieve information was storing the Equipment Number with 2 leasing zeros instead of 10 as is the case in other tables. This was causing incorrect dates in the reconciliation of the discrepancies. This is now fixed.
RFC-6200000864 (30 Aug)
External Reference N/A
ZPM_O14 DSO was not containing the logs generated for class EQUI and tcode ZPMEQUICHANGE and this was causing Report 09 to not show the reconciliation of equipment done with this tcode. It has been added in the selection options of the info package.
RFC-6100000581 (16 Aug)
External Reference WO-RFS-1-7205945074
Office of Counter-Terrorism has a large number of the equipment record. As such, there is no dedicated authorization group that will restrict other Master Data planners for equipment records (SD10 & SD11) for unauthorized changes. Therefore, the Office of Counter-Terrorism requests a new authorization group to be created and allow property management custodian to be responsible for maintaining and updating equipment record.
With the same justification, Department of Operations has 4 pillars with a large number of the equipment. Each pillar has custodian and needs separate authorization group in UNHQ. Therefore, new authorization groups are created for the UNHQ DOS, as per the following:
1.) DOS - Support Operations
2.) DOS - Supply Chain Management
3.) DOS - Special Activities
4.) DOS – Administration
SC > SA - Source to Acquire
RFC-6200000781 (16 Aug)
External Reference WO-IM-1-7164360631
Update the creation of Service Entry Sheets in ECC. When a Service Entry Sheet is posted, the exchange rate will be determined based upon the Posted Date entered. Prior the SES was referencing the Price Reference Date.
RFC-6100000486 (9 Aug)
External Reference WO-RFS-1-7056513911, WO-RFS1-6649392057
Added a new Service Category for Travel and Transportation (ZTTS) for maintaining travel-related services.
Includes the replacement of the valuation class I082 with R001 for OT Travel Exceptions. The new Service Category will improve the reporting of Travel related services by allowing the assignment of the new valuation class to travel service master product IDs.
RFC-6100000366 (9 Aug)
External Reference CCBREQ-6769
The acronym for UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction was renamed from UNISDR to UNDRR
Updated the existing purchasing groups in SRM to reflect the new name.
The Purchasing Groups include:
· 308 UNDRR LVA-Belgium
· 309 UNDRR LVA-Geneva
· 310 UNDRR LVA-Egypt
· 311 UNDRR LVA-Japan
· 312 UNDRR LVA-Kazak
· 313 UNDRR LVA-Nairobi
· 314 UNDRR LVA-Korea
· 315 UNDRR LVA-Panama
· 316 UNDRR LVA-Thail.
· G15 GM - UNDRR
RFC-6200000691 (30 Aug)
External Reference N/A
The HANA view GDP_RU_DIM_EQUIPMENT has been modified to change the logic to derive the Current Logical Status.
SC > SC - Supply Chain Other
RFC-6200000615 (9 Aug)
External Reference N/A
This is to fix an issue in GDP report 18, the following HANA view has been modified: GDP_FACT_DISPOSAL_BACKLOG