Due to unexpected complications, OHRM has decided not to use the Manager Self-Service (MSS) functionality for contract renewal/extension until 31 August 2015, when further enhancements will be in place.
Staff will continue to be paid on time using Umoja. In preparation for end-of-June salary payments, the Umoja team has performed mock ‘payroll runs’ to identify and address any cases where administrative action (e.g. contract expiration) is required to ensure payment.
(1) If alternative item/substitute item/supplement line added to bid response, the system will adopt the account assignment information from the
When creating the shopping cart, you will not see the specific buyer, but the group of buyers assigned to the purchasing group.
Click on the "Team Carts" query, and then click "Refresh."
Ensure that the "Show my team carts" checkbox is checked, then click "Apply" and "Refresh."
In this case, the Shopping Cart has two levels of approvals. Go to the Shopping Cart, tab approval and you will notice that another level of approval is required.